I know 2016 has suddenly dawned upon us and all the adults “oohed” and “ahhed” saying they can't believe how old they are, how unfit they feel and this is going to be their year to become supermodels or sort of. They are going to get fit and healthy, lose the middle age spread and all that jazz. Boy did I hear this tune in 2014, 2015 and now 2016 we are at it again peeps. I must say I do admire their perseverance!

With all this proclamations of self change I pondered should I change as well? I mean I know I'm perfect but is there any way I could strive to be more perfect than I already am. I mean look at me, I am indeed drop dead gorgeous, as my Nana says. Okay so am getting a little older, 2 1/2 going on 3, always been blessed with a mop of good hair so no worries on hair loss I guess. Hey I might have a little bit of a tum going on there, but I think my baby fat's part of my charm, my allure as such, yeah it might not look so good on Uncle Tony, but the mummies surely do love to give my chubby cheeks a pinch. So I think appearance wise why I've got to keep doing what I'm doing, looking cute. Nothing to change there I guess.

Also now that I'm two I can do a whole load of things with my hands, Mummy dearest, which means I can take off all my clothes and dance around as free as a bird. Yeah I know she spent hours huffing and puffing and getting me all dolled up for Auntie Ninny's wedding, but hey I'm so clever now with undoing all those buttons and zips, that I had to take them all off, my excuse I thought I saw Enrique Mum, couldn't find your bra so I decided I'd throw him all my clothes. Then I'm talking a lot more and in the brand New Year of 2016 I plan to increase my vocabulary of “WHY”, “BUT WHY”, “NO”, “BECAUSE”, a lot more I think. Yes Mother and Father just love their days to be filled with me saying “why” about ten million times or “no” another ten million times. I give them daily tests on maintaining their patience, I am helping them to achieve inner peace, so there are days they fail and the shout insane phrases like“Because I said so” and “I'm your father just do it”, are quite prevalent. But this is their year I feel, the no's and why's will increase exponentially and I will help the parents become Jedi masters in patience. Ah..the good I do really, so selfless and always thinking of the parents, someone should give me an award. Right in hindsight, 2016 isn't going to be too boring after all, got lots to do and a great many ways to annoy.. oops help the parents! HOORAY!
How independent is your toddler at 24 months?
Whilst your toddler may already know how to dress and undress herself, around now she's also likely to start pulling off her shoes. And while this may seem like a simple skill, it's actually not — she needs to be quite nimble to negotiate taking her shoes off one by one, and doing this standing up requires balancing on one foot. She also may go through several clothing changes a day, and this is fine — toddlers are notoriously messy anyway and often end up with their clothes streaked with food or finger paint. On the flip side, though, if your toddler doesn't want to change her clothes but you want her to because she's a mess, consider giving up — this is the time to relax your expectations a bit.

Your toddler can start to follow some basic rules of hygiene. She probably doesn't yet remember to grab a tissue and blow into it to clear a stuffy nose, so you may need to wipe her nose from time to time, but if she needs to sneeze, you can teach her to sink her face into her elbow. Preschools teach this technique to avoid children spraying germs everywhere and to prevent them from using their hands to cover their mouths.
This is the "I want to do it myself" age, so your toddler may begin to insist on brushing her teeth herself. Let her make a first pass, but follow up with a more thorough cleaning yourself. Your toddler won't be capable of really brushing her teeth herself until much later — possibly not until she's 6 or 7. It takes quite a bit of coordination for her to hold a toothbrush and maneuver it around her mouth so that she's really cleaning in there.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe