Jun 03 2014.
views 693Baby Banter: My parents are not perfect..are they returnable?
So fellow baby peeps I’ve come across some information which is going to totally change your perspective on life forever. This critical bit of information is more powerful than Superman’s kryptonite, it’s more scandalous than who shot JFK, it’s even more mindboggling than a government minister’s tax return, it’s the fact, ….hold on to your baby seats now fellows, it’s the fact that our parents are not ALWAYS right and they are definitely not PERFECT! Yes I’ll give you a moment to let that scandalous piece of information sink in, I mean they apparently make MISTAKES..shock and horror.., they forget things and they might even have a possibility of being WRONG!!!!
Okay let’s rewind back here and let me present to you my conclusions based on my in-depth findings. I engaged in some severe fieldwork where I have to go undercover and give myself up as the guinea pig. I am the mole my friends, I do it to find the truth, it's US against them the parents! First truth revealing moment. “Just Dad” babysits, whilst Mother dearest goes off to engage in something called a coffee morning. I who was fed too much papaya decided to let one rip, nasty affair diaper needed to be changed BADLY, just Dad looks awfully scared but braves the situation, to make matters worse we’ve run out of diapers. My nether regions needed covering badly, thus resorting to severe improvisation, the whole kitchen paper towel roll unravelled and sellotape strategically placed does the trick. See these parents are not PERFECT.
Another case and point, when I shake my head it means I don’t want anymore of that alien looking food. My mother gets her game face on and tries to shove a few more spoonfuls in, result, I end up vomiting the whole hour’s worth of food, which Mother dearest spent singing a number of Rand B in a bad key to distract me. See I told her I had enough, she didn’t listen and she was WRONG!!!!.Another fault finding scenario, when you leave a three year old with a bag of jujubes, because you “the parent” was too busy chit chatting about the latest fashions and you tell her just have one. That’s like saying setting fire to the Australian bush, one jujubes turns into twenty and before you know the whole bag is finished and Big Sister is somersaulting off the kichen cabinets.Sugar induced freakazoid. BIG MISTAKE, Mother dearest. Yikes my findings are enough to fill a whole shelf in the informative section in the library, but I hold back. All I know is my mum gives me the best cuddles when I have to go to sleep and the best soft kisses, her misgivings are forgotten, hey my parents are not perfect but I love them anyway!
Which is better for my baby’s skin..cloth or disposable diapers?
Both kinds of diapers have benefits and drawbacks. Cloth does a good job as long as you change your baby as soon as the diaper is soiled. Disposables, with their new absorbent gels, can handle large amounts of fluid without becoming saturated, so you can leave your baby in one longer without causing him as much discomfort. Disposables draw liquid away from a child's skin, deep into the gel-containing layer of the diaper. This keeps your baby's skin drier longer and minimizes contact with urine and even some stool. Some disposable diapers are made with a breathable material that allows for air flow to the infant's skin. And some also contain a substance that coats and protects the skin just as a barrier cream. If your baby develops a skin rash while wearing disposables, it may be a reaction to this substance, or it may be from rubbing against the leg gathers or tight waistbands.Try a different brand or change to cloth diapers.
How much food should you give your baby when weaning?
Following your baby's cues during feeding time will ensure that your baby is eating the proper amounts of food for him or her.
There is no "set-in-stone" guideline or chart of exactly how many jars of baby food or how many 8 ounce bottles of formula each baby should be receiving. This is simply because each and every baby is different. Babies will eat as much food and drink as much breast milk and/or formula as they need.
For example: You may wonder how it is possible that your friend's 7 month old baby is eating 2 whole jars of baby food (8-9 oz) in one day while your 7 month old baby barely manages to eat 3 or 4 baby food cubes (3-4 oz) of food per day. You may also wonder why your baby nurses every 2 hours at 7 months old while your friend's baby may only nurse every 3 or 4 hours. Again, each baby has different food and milk needs and these needs are just right for the individual baby.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe