Jul 22 2014.
views 767There is always music in my house, from either the kids dancing around to tunes on the radio during dinner, my son practicing his chords or the toddler blasting her way through her own rendition of “row row your boat” at the top of her lungs. Music is a vital part of our household. As parents we start introducing our children to music from a very young age. The soothing lullaby for the sleeping baby, the bath time bubble songs enjoyed and eventually the little rhymes that we sing to entertain our growing toddlers. Of course one doesn’t have to have the talents of all the greatest composers, musicians or singers to appreciate music. It helps if you can sing like a songbird rather than screech like a cat. I, of course can’t sing to save my life, but I am definitely a music lover.
At the end of a crazy parenting day, the right song will ease away any of the stresses suffered. Music is also an essential requirement in the lives of any growing child. There is always a child humming or singing a much loved tune. In their formative years, music is another form of language which teaches young children to communicate. Here are some reasons to ensure that music is vital part of your children’s life:
1. Increases brain power: According to the experts, when children dabble in music, their brain power is boosted. The exposure to music stimulates those parts of the brain that are related to reading, math and emotional development.
2. Memory improvement: By learning those little rhymes over and over again, children are able to stimulate parts of their brain which would help them retain more memory; this is very useful when it comes to their studies.
3. Socially acceptable: Music will definitely help the shy child to break out of their invisible shell. Being able to pick up a guitar or play a few chords and join with a group of musicians can help introverted children along. They tend to take pleasure in their music which help them overlook their other problems.
4. Confidence builder and patience ensurer: When a child knows how to play an instrument, this is a skill that they have and it gives them an immense confidence boost. But at the same it will teach them patience, for you can’t learn an instrument in a day. Your child will have to learn to be dedicated and apply themselves to achieve their target. Learning to play an instrument does not happen instantaneously.
5. Constant learning and expressing: With music, you have never finished learning. There are always new songs to sing, new ways to play an instrument. Therefore with music, your children are constant learning, using their brains and keeping themselves stimulated. Music also provides a perfect platform for children to express themselves. Sometimes as they older they unable to say or express their true feelings, by loosing themselves in music its gives justification to their angst.
6. Creativity overload: it goes without saying that music is the food for the creative beast that lurks inside all of us. As your child becomes more confident with their instruments, it will give rise to exploration and creativity of their own, which will definitely spill over to other areas of their lives.
The findings are overwhelming, music is definitely an important aspect during your child’s growing years. Sometimes we tend to get busy with school work and other activities that we overlook music. Or we come to the conclusion that since our child has no talent, music should not be pursed. I think everyone is talented, some more than others, and the door to music should not be closed because of that. Music is also not about acquiring numerous exams, music is about expressing those inner workings of your soul. Quite recently, during a dinner out with the family, my children were witness to a real live band in performance. From the loudness of the drums, to the rhythmic enticements of the guitars, they were amazed, inspired and thrilled. That itself was pure joy, music will always be everyone’s first love.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe