Mum’s Kitchen - Jelly Oranges

Jan 23 2012.

views 1626

A very easy but delicious sweet treat to make either every day for the kids or as a party treat.
- Instant Jelly packet of your preferred flavour
- A couple of large oranges
  1. Take the oranges cut them in half and without piercing the skin scoop out the inside pulp, You can use the scooped out pulp to make some fresh orange juice, to accompany your jelly treat. Store the orange skins until the jelly mixture is ready. Make the jelly mixture according to the instructions on the packet, then carefully pour the jelly mixture into the orange halves and leave in the fridge to set. Once the jelly is set then you can cut the orange halves into quarters so it is easy for little hands to pick up  and eat.
  2. If you want to make these for a party you can get creative and decorative. You can either cut out little triangles on paper and using a toothpick pierce through either end of the triangle to make a sail and presto you have a Jelly sailboat. Or if that’s not your daughter’s cup of tea cut out little butterflies, which your child can decorate and then using a toothpick place on top of the orange.
(Written by Mayuri Jayasinghe)


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