Jul 28 2015.
views 789Mummy Travels – Expert Advice from a Naturopathic Nutritionist and GAPS Practitioner, Shalani McCray...
We are what we eat is of course a famous saying that reflects in our appearance and general well being. We've all experienced those moments where too much of unhealthy food has left us feeling quite ill and wondering WHY we ate it in the first place. Incorrect eating habits start at a young age, children develop tastes for foods that are unhealthy and this way of eating as it continues can have drastic effects on their lifestyle and eventual overall well being. This week on Mummy Travels I got to meet a very interesting and informative individual in the form of Ms. Shalani McCray who was holding a series of workshops on “Feeling Fabulous from the inside out”, at MILK. Shalani McCray, based in Australia is a highly qualified and experienced naturopathic nutritionist and GAPS Practitioner. GAPS is short for “Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome”. Therefore Ms. McCray, in these workshops focused on maintaining good gut health which results have shown has a tremendous positive effect on our overall well being.
“When I was a child”, Ms. McCray comments “there were hardly any children with allergies, but my children by the time they were ten had been to the funerals of three classmates”. Sadly, this reflects the fact that our modern “conveniently pre-packaged” diet is infact having a detrimental effect on our children. In fact many of our modern allergies and ailments can be remedied with the correct diet consumed. This diet activates and strengthens the good bacteria within us and sets the base for health and overall well being. The workshops conducted began with a focus on good gut health, it also covered baby's first foods, the importance of fermented drinks, food and how it affects children's behavior, finally finishing off with healthy lunchboxes. As parents we are the key caregivers and thus are responsible for the foods consumed by our children. With regards to baby's first foods, it of course advisable to start the weaning process correctly so that your child continues with the healthy eating process. Less sugar and salt is always the advice of experts. Keep it natural, more fruit ad vegetables and less packaged foods. Ms. McCray in her workshop advocates introducing one fruit at a time, rather than a mixture to localize any allergies the child might have. Protein is also to be encouraged from a young age for example mixing liver into rice etc. What children consume is quite drastically displayed in their behavior, too much sugar causes mood swings and bad behavior. The Asian mentality is that we want our children to eat, we are unhappy if they have not had their fill,eat and eat more is our motto but Ms. Cray suggests being stern with your food choices. Eat when you are hungry and eat till you are full not more. To eat healthy is a commitment the whole family has to make, special foods need not be made for the child. Even if they refuse in the first instance they will in time sway towards the foods offered. As a busy parent I always find lunchboxes a haphazard process when pressed for time, Shalani advises if you have to put in the odd packaged snack, read the label, be knowledgeable about what you are giving your child, because as she says all disease begins in the gut and you can heal the body with proper nutrition. Pills, medicinal syrups ad creaMs. are not always the ONLY solution. The body will look after itself if the proper nutrition is consumed.
More talks and workshops in Colombo has been planned for later on in the year. If you are looking for advice and tips from Ms. Shalani McCray it can be gotten from her facebook page, “Live Alive”, an advice forum which offers tips on well being through diet consumed. “Life shouldn't be just lived”, she says it should be lived ALIVE.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe