Fellow diaper peeps, I hate to be all Mr. Doom and Gloom, but I'm only two and half and I can't reach the jujubes jar and Mummy dearest insists I eat some green gram gloop...so excuse me if I'm a bit bitter, but I've got another hate post against parents, get ready! Right here goes, have you seen the way our dear parents can be quite blatantly insensitive to our feelings, hey we might be tiny and only under a foot and a half, BUT we're not invisible.
Okay..okay here's my case, when you take us to the park, you can't say things like “It's time to leave now honey”..as we were driving up I clearly heard the words we are staying at the park FOREVER. Clearly now we, the toddler are devastated at your insensitivity to abruptly change your mind. I was looking forward to living at the park FOREVER, so I will cry and holler and you will have to embarrass yourself in public as you drag your screaming child into the car. By the way this also goes for any indoor play area, fast food joints and achcha's house. She has recognized my need for sweets and she is my supplier of the sweet stuff.

Whilst I am on that mute point, let's talk about visits to Achcha's house, so when we go there, she being the kind soul that she is breaks open my favourite crisps and cuts me a huge slice of chocolate cake. You, Mummy dearest, take offense and go on moaning about ruining my dinner BLAH BLAH BLAH . How insensitive is that, Achcha had left me that piece of cake, you hurt my feelings and her feelings, that's just double bad karma Mum, ouuu you're in trouble with the Universe now! Here's another big insensitive heart breaker, YOU the parent smile at another baby, or you might even be so bold as to HOLD another baby, what is up with that! Hey what if I denounced you as my parent and went off with some other parental type..you just wouldn't like it would you now. But no here blatantly in my face, you coo, cuddle and KISS, somebody else's child..how do you think that makes me feel Mother dearest!!! Taylor Swift ain't going write enough sad songs to show you how I feel about your insensitivity . Also what's up with bedtime, is that going to be a regular thing you go on about, because it's just insensitive to my person and I do feel devastated. I'd rather fall asleep in your arms, where you have to hold me still like that till the sun comes up. Yeah dear parents get your act together, stop being SO insensitive!!!!!
What to do with tantrums in public?
There are certain situations in which young children often become emotionally charged. When children become emotionally charged, they can’t think. They simply can’t function normally. They want unreasonable things, and are unsatisfied with your attempts to give them what they want. They can’t listen, and the slightest thing brings them to tears or tantrums. Your child needs your closeness and patience. They can’t get out of that state without your help. At times like this your child needs you to set kind, sensible limits and to have you close to him while he bursts out with the intense feelings he has. This spilling of feelings, together with your kind attention and patience, is the most effective way to speed your child’s return to his sensible, loving self. A good, vigorous tantrum or a hearty, deeply felt cry will clear your child’s mind of the emotion that was driving him off track and will enable him to relax again and make the best of the situation he is in.

Establishing good sleeping habits
If you have young children, a good night's sleep seems like a distant memory.Although newborns actually sleep for 16 to 17 hours a day, they do it in maddeningly short bursts around the clock. Many babies are easily stimulated. A loving look from you can take your baby from tired to wired faster than you can say, "uh oh." Seeing your baby brighten at your glance is heartwarming at noon and discouraging at midnight. If your baby sleeps more during the day than at night, help her learn the difference. During the day, allow plenty of sunlight into the house or take her outside. Put your baby down for daytime naps in well-lighted rooms f your child wakes up during the night, don't turn on the lights or carry her into a brightly lighted room. The shift from dark to light tells her brain it's time to rise and shine. Instead, soothe her back to sleep in her bedroom. If early morning sunlight prompts your child to wake too early or if she has trouble napping in the afternoon, install room-darkening shades.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe