Mommas don’t let your sons grow up to be COWBOYS!

Apr 23 2012.

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Whilst waiting patiently at the counter to make my delectable purchase I was quite rudely shoved aside by an overzealous youth who wanted his turn at the counter first despite my presence. This has happened to me many times before and unless I have an invisible sign on my back that says ‘CUT HER OFF’, the true gentlemen in today’s society has died an unexpected death.

At the risk of sounding like someone’s grandmother, which I am not yet, I truly believe that all little boys should grow up to be gentlemen. Yes I am all for the equality of sexes and the fact that women can open their own doors, but I would be proud if my son was courageous and kind, appreciated humanity to protect it rather than abuse it and lived by a strong ethical code that is so rare to find in today’s society mainly due to the strong influence of media and unnecessary western attitudes.

Chivalry is a lost art and even the staunch feminist will appreciate it when exposed to a dose. So as Parents, we are responsible for these works in progress ‘knights-in-shining-armor’ that society will gladly envelop in its arms any day.


How not to be a cowboy!

Despite whatever societal influences our sons are exposed it is up to us to steer the mothership in the right direction. Teach them right from wrong, good from bad, if we fail -we fail our children and that is a sad predicament indeed. We need to start young for our children are such malleable pieces of clay at this stage and like a sponge they soak up all the information you provide.

It is important to realize that our sons are watching how we treat each other. So treating our neighbors with the respect and kindness teaches then volumes. They understand the expected mode of behavior when interacting within society.

Teach boys gestures of respect for e.g

*Help carry in the groceries from the car.

*Open doors for people

*Always give up their seats for old people, help them with their bags.

*Be kind to the less fortunate

*Appreciate nature, don’t pollute


By teaching our boys these simple gestures we set the basics for well-mannered adults in the future.
Teach your boys to be responsible for their actions, whether good or bad. Praise them whole-heartedly when they do good and give them the due respect, at the same time teach them that when they do bad, it’s a true man that steps up to the mark and takes the responsibility for their actions.

Explain to your sons about their masculinity and manliness and despite the strengths they possess they should never hit girls but rather protect anyone or anything that is weaker than them.
Teach them to be HEROS, encourage them to look out for the weaker child or the bullied child and to stick up for them.

Mostly important educate them to the code of conduct that all true gentlemen follow. Explain to them that real men do not lie, steal, cheat or bully themselves through life. That they instead treat everyone with the respect and dignity deserved by all. This might be hard to explain when corruption is all around in todays society. But if we perserve to produce good decent individuals we might accumulate a society.


So as the song goes ‘Mommas don’t let your sons grow up to be Cowboys’, instead turn them into shining knights in armor that we can all be proud of!

(Article by Mayuri Jayasinghe)


  1. Realstance says:

    A worthy article.But I don't agree that true gentlemen in today's society have died an unexpected death, in fact I think that they are only outnumbered by the ones who dont have that quality. And it isn't easy to find a true lady. A mum can actually teach a boy about chivalry,respect n stopping bullying but this all gets jammed at school.Try chivalry at school n u become a bullies object.It isn't easy to find mums like these n majority of boys like aggressiveness n wit.The article speaks of a mu

  2. Mayuri Jayasinghe says:

    hello realstance, thanks for your response and the important points you have made. I wrote this article based on the displays of behaviour by the youth of today in sri lanka. And having a son of my own I would feel like I had failed my duty as parent if my child were to display such rude behaviour. The fact that there might be instances of bullying because one displays decent behaviour, then this is a very sad situation indeed. But I still think as a parent we need to instill good qualities in o

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