“Oh, she was just seventeen,
If you know when I mean…
She wouldn’t dance with another
When I saw her standing there.”
Sang the Beatles long years ago. But the song has been remixed and given a new lease of life.
“It’s a hit song again. I feel it’s a compliment to me for I am seventeen, you know.” remarked Laila.
“Sweet Seventeen is a wonderful age just on the brink of adulthood!” said her uncle Joe, adding, “You have exams to pass but that should not prevent you from enjoying life in your last years as a teenager!”
“I don’t know. There are times when I get all excited thinking that I am going to become an adult soon. At other times, I am afraid to take responsibility for my own life!” confessed Laila.
“That’s the normal confusion of a late teen. Do you rebel against parental authority?” asked Joe.
“Well, there are times when I question why I should do this or that. For instance, my Mum sometimes tells me to wear the blue shirt and I tell her that I am old enough to develop my own taste in dress. Do you think that I am wrong?” asked Laila plaintively.
“Those are small things. You must understand that there was a time when your Mom had to make all the decisions for you and it is hard for her to break the habit. But do you rebel like staying out late at night after a party when your parents have given you a curfew of midnight, for instance?” asked Joe.
“I’m afraid of my Dad who comes to pick me up after a party so it is midnight. I don’t mind as I know that some of my friends get into trouble by staying out late at night. Yes, the teen years are good for I still have the protection of my parents.” said Laila.
Let’s protect teenagers.