“Half the year has gone. Time is flying. What do you aim to achieve?” asked Prunella.
“I don’t know. I just live and work each day. There is so much to do that I don’t have time to think about where I am heading.” confessed Rahul.
“No, no. That won’t do. You must have some idea of your goal. In Latin, there is an expression, “Quo vadis?” meaning ‘Where are you going?’ Do you want to reach the top in your profession and become Managing Director?” asked Prunella.
“If I work hard enough, I guess I can go forward on the career path. But sometimes, there are obstacles in my way and I cannot surmount them. It is then that I feel like giving up and just doing the minimum.” said Rahul.
“ When we were in school, life was so much easier. One chose to become a doctor, a lawyer or an accountant. Now that we are working, life is more complicated. Besides, there is no straight uphill path to reach the goal. We have to swim along with the tide.” chimed in Asoka.
“But first, it is important to identify your life goals. Perhaps you want to end up as a Manager. Then you must learn to delegate your work. Don’t try to do everything yourself. But you must set a good example by working hard yourself.” said Prunella.
“I must also get to know the rest of my colleagues. If I know their strengths and weaknesses then I can delegate work accordingly.” said Rahul.
“Wait a while. You are not even Assistant Manager. Don’t ruffle feathers by delegating work. Just study your colleagues and the work they do. But more important, pause in your work and check if you are heading in the right direction.” advised Prunella.
By Sirohmi