“Do you know that Sri Lanka is an island surrounded by water and yet most of us hardly ever go to the beach?” asked Marcel.
“I know. We are busy with our studies or our work and don’t have time to look out and enjoy the beauty of Nature. Sri Lanka has so much to offer the admirer of Nature.” commented Patsy.
“We should set aside time to go out and enjoy watching the sunset perhaps on Galle Face Green. If you get there by about five thirty in the evening, you could see the sky all red or pink. Foreigners who book in at the Galle Face Hotel say that watching the sunset from the beach is awesome. We could do it on Friday because we can sleep till late on Saturday as most of us don’t work on weekends.” suggested Marcel.
“For those who are adventurous, they can go for a Nature Ramble. Or you could go to the Park and hang out. The Viharamaha Devi Park is being landscaped and re-done so it is a little messy at the moment. But there are still nice walks in the interior of the Park.” said Patsy.
“That’s a good idea! Maybe we can have a picnic in the Park. You could bring along ham sandwiches and I could make ice coffee. What will you make,Marcel?” suggested Jilska.
“Well, people say that I make good chocolate cake. And we could bring ice cream in a regifoam container to keep it cool.” said Marcel.
“We’ll need transport. Can we borrow your father’s car, Patsy? We’ll pool and put the petrol provided Marcel drives the car. What do you think?” asked Jilska.
“I am a careful driver and I promise to carry the passengers and bring them home in one piece.” said Marcel.
Let’s go out and have fun on this beautiful island.