Jun 10 2014.
views 603“It’s never too late to start” Mum goes. Mother dearest has got some notion about getting healthy and she wants all of us to get on the healthy bandwagon. I lie there unable to move, stomach region distended, I feel like a miniature Michelin man. Today was cheese day, felt I couldn’t get enough of it, that lovely creamy, salty crumbling flavour. YUMMEEE, couldn’t say no to each helping. So despite the fact that Mum had spent a couple of hours, sautéing, boiling, pureeing, a bowl of green gloop she called my nutritious food, all I ate for the lunch was cheese. Yeah maybe she’s right, maybe I should get fit. I mean the baby fat is cute and all but it’s kinda impeding on my fast getaways, the extra weight’s holding me down. You know like when Dad’s watching T.V and I try and beat him to the remote…he always beats me to it, it’s the fat, there’s no other explanation!
So Mum clears the living room floor and makes some space, she’s got some exercise DVD in the player and “Jane Fonda” exercise gear on, she ready to get fit. I watch from the corner of the playpen, scared! The instructor screams stuff like squats ,lunges, butt kickers, tricep dips..sheesh, what self torture is this mother dearest. Can’t we just eat the doughnut and be happy. Mum, in a pool of sweat is in a world of her own, Dad walks in eating a burger,”Run DAD, RUN!” silently think to myself. Too late, Mum sees him “Put that thing down and come do some squats”, Mum shouts, I’m not sure if it’s the endorphins kicking in, but through all the lyrca, sweatband and dishevelled hair Mum look’s like Stallone’s long lost cousin. Dad makes an immediate 180 degrees turn and runs out of the room, burger stuffed further in the mouth. I guess he’s doing the sprinting part of the workout today. Now the vile exercise person is telling Mum to use me as a weight. WHAT. Apparently gently lifting baby up and down will help Mother dearest with her biceps. Over zealous Mum mistook the word gently, as she throws me up and down, the cheese at lunch decides it can’t live in my tummy anymore and wants to make another appearance, all over Mum’s face. RIGHT, that’s the end of Mum’s workout, shall we go for a dip in the hot tub then, Mum, think we might need to get that cheese pack off your face!
How much dairy products should your child consume?
An important part of a toddler's diet, milk provides calcium and vitamin D to help build strong bones. The calcium requirement is met if your child gets the recommended two servings of dairy foods every day, but this amount provides less than half of the vitamin D requirement. In general, kids ages 12 to 24 months should drink whole milk to help provide the dietary fats they need for normal growth and brain development. If overweight or obesity is a concern, or if there is a family history of obesity, high cholesterol, of heart disease talk to your doctor to see if reduced fat (2%) milk may be given. For the milk averse children, calcium can also be found in cheese, yogurt and cream.
Exercise is good for all
You know that exercise and eating right are important for a healthy body, but did you know that exercise isn’t just for older kids and adults? Even infants benefit from daily activity. Studies show that if children grow up having exercise as part of their daily regimen, they are less likely to become obese or suffer from obese-related problems as older children or adults. “Exercise for babies, especially in the newborn period, consists solely of feeding. As your baby continues to grow during those early months, he will develop an exercise regime ranging from lifting his head while in a prone position, to reaching for and grabbing objects while in the supine position. Once your baby is able to walk, he has reached a crucial point in his development. As a toddler, and even as an older preschooler, it is important for you to help your child build and develop coordination through a wide selection of toys, sports, and regular outings to avoid his favouring sedentary habits.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe