(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
I find this constant battle of wills mildly irritating, Mommy dearest. Last week I had made a decision to curtail my sleeping hours to merely four hours, and those four hours being mostly during the day. Hey nighttime is party time.
That all ended up a bit disastrous for Mommy, who was all tired, sleepy and weepy and everyone kept a five feet distance from her in case she snapped and the mummy hulk came out to play. Until she started giving me warm bubble baths in the evening and then we read nursery rhymes with some soft lullaby music in the background…ouu she’s a devious one that Mother of mine, had me sleeping like a baby in no time. .jpg)
This week folks, it’s a battle of the let's ’clean that plate’. So an hour into dinnertime, mommy and I sit facing each other, remnants of some red rice concoction air dried around my nose, ears and left eye, this was due to mum’s feeble attempt to distract and force feed, missed the mouth completely Mommy dearest.
I’m a tough cookie I will NOT and I repeat NOT open my mouth unless I feel that the food put in front of me in some shape or form resembles, jelly, chocolate or ice-cream. Damn it, this is my constitutional right and I exercise it vehemently! Pureed red rice with chicken and vegetables, just doesn’t go justice to my tastebuds justice Mater dear. But my mother insists I eat this ‘witches' brew’ for apparently it contains vital nutrients essential for my growth and development.
Mum you need to stop going to see that doctor called a pediatrician who gives you all these feeding charts and what not, it’s all tiddly sqat mumbo jumbo, just ice-cream will do me fine. Mum gives it another try, she waves an open candy bar in my face, with one hand poised with full spoon …ou this is so tempting to open mouth and let all that gooey chocolate fill my mouth in a sugary delight, okay here goes shall live on the wild side and risk it. I crack open my mouth a few millimeters, Mum dives in with the poison food, oppisie missed again Mummy dearest, I think that was my left ear.
Dad saunters in with a tub of ice-cream…ouuuu all of sudden Dad looks so attractive, never realizsed how tall and stately he looked, hey dad have you been working out, are those some new abs..or maybe love handles, in the glow of the ice-cream under your arm they look like wicked abs, back to the ice-cream tub you’re holding it looks so enticing. ‘Aww give the kid a break, let him have some ice-cream’ Dad goes, a wise man has just spoken…Mum looks on exasperatedly as I open my mouth as wide as I can for a big dollop of cookies and cream..whooppeee we all scream for ice-cream!
Why are babies picky eaters?
Eating solid food is still a new experience for your toddler. He may need time to get used to the various textures, colors, and tastes of new food. While young children crave consistency and familiarity with many things, from playtime routines to sleep habits, they're notoriously unpredictable when it comes to food – even familiar food.
It's common for toddlers to vary their eating habits from day to day, and it's also common not to try new foods until you've served them numerous times.
What are some tips for introducing new foods?
Structure your child's eating so that she has three regular meals a day and two healthy snacks in between meals
Serve a variety of good foods for your toddler to eat at each meal. When you offer a new food, simply place it on your child's highchair tray without making a big deal about it.
Introduce new foods one at a time and in small amounts, instead of an entire meal of unfamiliar foods.
Try to schedule a new food when you know your child is hungry.
Resist the urge to offer sugary foods in an effort to get your toddler to eat more.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe