Last Minute Valentine Gifts

Feb 13 2013.

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Pink ribbons and cut out hearts are the rage these days with Valentine's Day almost upon us, while many of us surrender our arms willingly and the rest of us get dragged in fighting and screaming all the way, the fact of the matter remains that we must all eventually partake in the lunacy where the world fondly celebrates in the name of love.
Most of us have already gone through the motions of ordering the flowers, buying the perfect gift and making reservations for that mind blowing Valentine's Day dinner date but for the few adventurous ones who like to wait till the last minute, putting up walls of defenses against the mainstream commemoration there just might be something tempting and last minute to succumb to the pressure in a creative out of the ordinary sort of way. 
While roses and her favourite perfume might seem to be a never failing combination it’s also true that you could do much better with a more personalized touch to your Valentine's Day pickings. Here's a list of what I thought was out of the ordinary and deserving of an honorary mention if not a recreation. 
Five Days of Valentine's 
While an old fashioned bouquet of flowers might be nice to look at and her favourite chocolates might taste divine, why not combine the best of all worlds and celebrate Valentine's Day for the senses.
The original source of this idea was carried out by an American store that suggested gifts to compliment each of her senses on Valentine's Day but I figured why put so much pressure on the big day when you can make it last through the week?
The ideal way to carry out five days of Valentine's would be to gift her something sense specific on five consecutive days starting from Valentine's Day. What are sense specific gifts? 
Well the concept is simple, each gift will appeal to a different sense and I'm assuming everyone knows what the five senses are. Gifts can range from chocolates for her taste, a mixed tape for her ears, flowers for her eyes, lingerie for touch and perfume for fragrance. Each gift can also accompany a sweet note if you’re feeling really romantic.


Seven Course Treatment
Most of you are probably guessing what this is, what’s a better gift than a night out of sheer luxury with a twist? A little preparation can take you a long way when it comes to being a creative culinary expert.
Go online and spend a few hours researching the basics of a seven course meal, the main thing to remember is that when it comes to a seven course meal, attention to detail is critical, there are several taste combinations that might seem a far stretch from the ordinary meal but work very well when taken in combination.
Do a little research and get cooking. Once the cooking is done be sure to know exactly how, when and in what order the dishes are to be served. Presentation is key and nothing is more alluring than a sophisticated man, dazzle her with your research and you just might pass as a connoisseur of tastes.
Treasure Trove
Ok so you’ve already bought her that perfect gift and you’re so bowled over by these amazing ideas that now you feel like returning your gift. Don’t worry my last idea is just the one for you. If you’ve bought her that perfect gift, you’re sure she’s going to like, why not make her hunt for it?
Invite her over and leave a trail of clues to her gift and you get the added pleasure of watching her scurry around the house in search of that elusive gift. If the present is something really special you can even leave a trail of tasks she should complete before getting the gift, the tasks can vary from a simple puzzle to making you a sandwich but you better hope the gift is worth the trouble. 
By Dilshan Senaratne



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