Jun 16 2014.
views 821Couple of the week – Jehan Bastians and Neidra Williams
1. When did you first meet and how long has it been since?
Neidra - First met at choir – St Mary’s Bambalapitiya. 1992 and were friends for a long time. Started going out 1997
Jehan - Around 1992 so yes, a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away……
2. What was the first thing about your partner that you were attracted to?
Neidra - How very much our thinking and outlook on life seemed to match. Also how much he ‘got me’ as in understood who I am.
Jehan - Initially we were just friends, for quite a while it was simply platonic! We started going out in 1997. I don’t know if it was one particular thing that attracted me to her but everything (the total package).
3. What do you think maintains a successful relationship for you both? (Friendship/physical attributes etc)
Neidra - Yes both….both friendship and physical aspects certainly count. But also that deep understanding of each other and the trust we place on each other.
Jehan - Yes friendship, our love of theatre, we still love each other’s company and that I genuinely like spending time with Ned.
4. What is the best thing you like about your partner?
Neidra - He knows when I need his support and knows when to give me my space.
Jehan - Ah….well there are many things, some can’t be mentioned J - But the fact that she and I find so much common ground.
5. What is something you detest about your partner?
Neidra - Wow…detest is a strong word, I don’t think I detest anything in J……though there are aggravating aspects to the man like he thinks everyone in the household is happy watching cycling on TV all the time!!!
Jehan - Nothing I really detest, sure there are different things that grate at different times. But I don’t think you can be together if you have things you detest in your partner. Well maybe the fact that I can never win an argument!
6. Describe your relationship in a word?
Neidra - In sync (I know it’s two words).
Jehan - Complete.
By Hasna Saleem