It ain't the Trump Tower

Apr 30 2013.

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(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
Sitting on my bouncer, I watch Mummy dearest intently. What the dickens is she up to?..It’s so hot as it is and Mums got some wooden box like contraption and she’s trying to make a cage. Mummy dearest is not the best when it comes to tools. Put that down Mum, that’s a saw you need a hammer to nail that in. Sheesh..where’s ‘Just Dad’ when you need him. After half an hour of Mummy dearest banging and clanging with tools she appears in my line of vision quite ecstatic. ‘It’s ready little one, your very own play pen, HOORAY!’ I view the box like contraption, she’s made me a cage, my mum’s putting me in a cage. Note to self, must call social services on my ‘TOMY’ phone, if this ain’t child abuse I don’t know what is!!
Okay so she settles me down in my new cell ‘THE PLAYPEN’…I have a look around, hey it isn’t the Trump Tower, but I think this would do. I 

see Teddy and his pals, hippo and floppy dog have taken over the west wing, Mum’s put some wooden blocks on the east wing. Okay I think I’ll plop myself right in the middle. Not too bad I must say, the new playpen is right infront of the T.V, entertainment at my fingertips. I can see right into the kitchen and Mum’s making my mid-afternoon juice, looks like Papaya today. DELICIOUS. These bars on the play pen are going to be great for doing some pull-ups. Body by Kris, eat your heart out I’m going be sporting some killer biceps soon, you watch soon you’ll be wanting this Body-by-baby oh yeah oh yeah!!!!
Five minutes into me chilling in my new crib, in walks Big Sister and her entourage, the Barbies, they all clamber in, whaaat…HEY anyone heard of knocking, gotta get some security put on this new place. Otherwise we’ve got vagrants walking in here. She’s sets up play house in a corner, just great, looks like she’s here for awhile, typical family, they show up when you least expect and then they don’t leave. Sheesh!
Okay here comes ‘Just Dad’, bet he’s going to ask her to get out, WHHHAAT, he climbs in as well, ‘How are my little beauties’ he goes, ‘Dad I made tea just for you, come and have some’ Big Sister squeals, such a show-off. Hey, watch it that was one of my priceless arms. Well this is just great, everyone’s in the playpen, hey call the neighbors we might be able to fit them in that teenzie weenize space over there. Okay enough is enough, I am not a big family person, I want these people out…MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
Expert Advice –Playpens
Playpens are frequently used by parents for a number of reasons. The first is to keep the baby safe, perhaps out of reach of a family dog or older toddler. The second is to entertain the baby in a confined, controlled space. The third reason parents often use playpens is for sleep. Playpens are sometimes used as a portable crib, especially when traveling. The perfect age to use a playpen is around six to eight months.
At this age, most babies can sit up, reach for and grab nearby toys. Babies of this age are generally easygoing, so you can leave them in the playpen (always staying nearby, of course) for a short amount of time without the baby putting up too much of a fuss. Babies this age also love new toys, so be sure to put some in the playpen with him. Do not try to tie any toys to the sides or top of a playpen, as cords or strings can present a choking danger for babies.
Expert Advice – Fruit Juice
The American Academy of Pediatrics, in their policy statement on The Use and Misuse of Fruit Juice in Pediatrics makes it clear that 'there is no nutritional indication to feed juice to infants younger than 6 months.'
They also recommend that juice be given only in a cup, not in a bottle, and that if you do give your older infant juice, then 4-6 ounces of juice would be more than enough for the entire day.Keep in mind that this is really a daily limit though and not necessarily an endorsement for drinking juice. Since most kids drink too much juice and drinking juice can be associated with having cavities,diarrhea, not eating well, and being overweight, you would be better off giving your older infant fruit instead of fruit juice.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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