Jun 02 2014.
views 691Your opinion - Is arguing a natural part of every relationship?
- They say arguing is natural in a relationship but some people think otherwise. What happens if you find the argument detrimental but your partner finds it debatable? And most importantly, can we really take the arguing part off the table in a relationship?
Mehr - I don't really have anything to say on that topic... but I would just think yes, arguing is quite fundamental in relationship. A difference in opinion is what makes a relationship interesting, if the two parties in a relationship don't argue, that relationship would probably just stagnate... additionally, it is human nature to be relatively argumentative (some more than others) so it would be sort of unnatural for two people to never argue.
Steven - Arguing is probably normal for two people in a relationship. They will not always agree on things. But it depends on how the arguing is done. There should never be yelling or getting up in one's face. There should be respect for the other's opinions & no name-calling or put-downs.
Thulith – I guess arguing is a natural part of a relationship. Every relationship will have an argument at one point. It may not happen at the start but as time goes by, arguments will happen and couples need to work through the arguments and resolve them in a CIVILIZED manner.
Raoul – I think that friendly arguments are essential and are necessary in a relationship since they keep the relationship interesting and fun to be in. Yes it is natural to have arguments in every relationship whether they it be for fun or a serious argument. If a relationship doesn't have arguments it definitely is not natural. Little advice to all out there, listen to your partners as it could avoid a lot of problems.
Saarah – Unless you're in a relationship with yourself, or one you're paying for, I'd say it's impossible to sustain a relationship without arguments. My friend Linh Ton told me that arguing is how you get to know a person and, she it makes sense. No two people are the same, it could be something as diminutive as your favourite flavour of ice cream, but you will find differences and being in a relationship is about acknowledging those differences, and sometimes you find it challenging so argue and you learn they like frozen yogurt too, you get what I mean?
Karen - Arguments are normal in relationships, not everyday will be perfect, there are days that you and your better half wouldn't agree on something or the other but it's best to talk it over and get past it.
Dimithri – Ofcourse it’s a natural part. Arguments make a relationship stronger!
Shameer - If they both argue it shows that they have a lack of interest in admiting about their partner's opinion.
Shehan - An argument is normally a habitual aspect in a relationship. An unhealthy habitual argument always puts the relationship at risk. Majority of the partners argue to show that they are right and to develop a clear image that the other person in the relationship is the fault. "Bringing out past histories of your partner that bothered you" This type of natural behaviour in an argument is done by many individuals. Yes I personally agree that arguing is a natural part in a relationship. An argument can go in both ways depending on each partner’s perception.
Abdullah - People are unique and sometimes they don't see eye-to-eye on things. Arguing is actually a natural part of developing a strong bond with your partner. The closer you become, the more you get to know each other on a deeper level and the more likely you will disagree. If you never disagree, it can mean that one of you is just giving in repeatedly, which will damage the relationship over time.
By Hasna Saleem