Introducing your significant other

Dec 31 2015.

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Introducing your significant other to your parents
(10 must knows when preparing)
Introducing your significant other to your parents is one of the most terrifying experiences, no matter how cool they are. Even if your boyfriend/girlfriend has grown up right under their nose as soon as they become your lover they are viewed differently.


1. First impressions go a long way. So you must concentrate on every tiny detail of their outfit. For a guy it is best if he wears a casual shirt with jeans. Wearing shoes is a must. For some reason fathers don’t like boys in slippers! A girl can choose to wear a modest dress or a top with jeans or a nice skirt. 

2. It goes without saying that all piercings visible must be removed and tattoos hidden under layers of clothing! I especially sympathize with the boys. There is definitely more pressure on them. It is also better not to go all out with the hairstyle. A man bun or mohawk will bring a disapproving eye. Same goes for girls better to get rid of bright highlights in your hair and bold make up. This is not the time for self-expression!


3. And of course they don’t drink or smoke and they never have or never will! They don’t go partying or drive recklessly. They don’t even know what drugs are. This applies to both parties. There is no stereotyping



4. Before introducing them to your parents educate them with your boyfriends/girlfriends family background and the school they went to. (weirdly the school they went to seems to be very important) And of course it really helps if they are from the same school your mom or dad went to. That will give them a huge common ground as well.


5. The setting is of equal importance! Bringing them home is the best thing to do. So your parents will be in their comfort zone and there will be no distractions. But if this is not possible choose a homely restaurant in which you can have a decent conversation. Avoid places where you will bump into your friends. 


6. During the meeting don’t have any physical contact. You maybe newly in love couple who can’t be a part but when you are in front of your parents be respectful of their presence and keep your displays of affection for later. This is very important. This will also go to show that you respect your better half and their independence. 


7. Before the encounter brief your significant other about your parents’ interests. For example if your dad is into cricket then make sure you teach them all there is ever to cricket! Same goes with your mom if she likes to cook make sure your girlfriend talks about how she loves to bake.


8. It goes without saying that dads are more protective of their daughters like moms are with their sons. So coach your boyfriend to win your mother over! (I know… I am devious) There will always be some tension between your father and boyfriend as with your mother and girlfriend. You can’t help it. It’s nature taking its course!


9. It is also very important that your parents know that your girlfriend/boyfriend is stable in life. This can be in regard to their career or education. There are some occupations that are not ‘loved’ by our parents. For example artists and musicians scream instability while advertising and event planning screams party animals! It is not advisable to lie about the career but well it certainly requires some thought. 


10.  Finally tell them to promise your parents that you will build a house and buy a car together! It doesn’t matter if all you want to do is earn and travel or do a lot for charity. Those things don’t matter. At least hoping to own these two things is of great importance to your parents. 


But most importantly promise them that you will love and respect their daughter/son and will spend your lifetime trying to make them happy. After all your parents just want you to live a good and comfortable life, a better life than what they were able to give. Be sensitive to their feelings as well.
I know all of these preparations feel like you are deceiving your parents. But trust me it will only be this way the first time. With time they will get to know your boyfriend/girlfriend and will love them for the same reasons you do. (Atleast I hope so!)



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