May 26 2014.
views 1829Couple of the week
Today we feature Indu Dharmasena, well known actor and dramatist who needs no introduction in the theatre arena and his beautiful wife Sanwada as our 'couple of the week'.
1. When did you first meet and how long has it been since?
Indu: We first met outside the Lionel Wendt Theatre when San had come to see a play and I was helping out with doing the lights for that show. That was August of 2004. I never thought I'd meet "the one" at the Wendt.
2. What was the first thing about your partner that you were attracted to?
Sanwada: His kindness and ability to help people. If someone has a problem he is always there to listen to them, give advice if needed. Not very many people can do that. Also his smile!! (I know you asked for one thing)
Indu: The fact we had the same interests.
3. What do you think maintains a successful relationship for both of you? (Friendship/physical attributes etc)
Indu: Our sense of humor and respect for each other.
Sanwada: I think it's the fact that we are very open with each other. It's like being married to your best friend (with benefits)
4. What is the best thing you like about your partner?
Indu: The full package!
Sanwada: I have to say it's how loving and caring he is.
5. What is something you detest about your partner?
Indu: She never closes cupboard doors or drawers when she opens them.
Sanwada: Oh dear! If he misplaces something he literally turns the house upside down looking for it. And until he finds it that is all he talks about.
6. Describe your relationship in a word?
Indu: Exciting!
Sanwada: Entertaining!