How to spot a player: Part 3

Feb 12 2013.

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Casanova the ultimate player of known history is classified as an adventurer and author, a fine gentleman whose antics are known for not so fine reasons. This is a common feature across the board when it comes to womanizers.
Almost all men with an affliction of breaking hearts present themselves with charming demeanors. There is an obvious reason that from the time of Casanova to now, players have continued to thrive instead of being outcast and forced into extinction.
The reason is simple, like any self respecting parasite, players are very hard to distinguish from the rest and in this particular case, players portray the attributes otherwise associated with the most charming gentlemen. However as complicated as it may be, there are sure fire ways to ensure that a player is recognized and called out.
These signs are often subtle yet noticeable to those who pay close enough attention without being carried away too far offshore with his charm. 
Multiple Personalities
The primary modality in a player’s arsenal is deception and deception is a fine example of why players find themselves going through severe identity crises at most occasions. Players lie to get what they like whenever they like it, there is no remorse or consciousness about the routes they take to achieve their goals.
A seasoned player has lied and squirmed his way into many beds and along the way has lost track of all the lies he said. So it’s common to find these types of guys unable to stick to consistent stories from their younger years and easily contradicting their previous statements. 
Lack of Morality 
Players like mentioned before lack a sense of consciousness and tends to operate without much resentment towards their actions as far as the final outcome achieves its desired results. This leaves them specially vulnerable to coming across as cold an hostile to others.
Make no mistake, he won’t treat you with anything but warmth and kindness but pay attention to how he treats others around him and it’ll be easy to gauge his usual approach to people.
The Hidden Mobile Phone
Players will never leave their mobile phones in plain sight except by mistake. Most people are easily irked by the idea of sharing their personal details but with the player it’s a whole new level, the phone will disappear with him whenever he leaves a room.
Another good way to pay attention to his obsession with his phone is to check how many calls and texts he receives while he’s with you. If his phone is constantly on silent mode there might be something he’s trying to hide from you.
Compliments and Sweet Names
Compliments flow like water to a river when it comes to a player and most often won’t sound corny nor stupid. He will pay specific attention to details which he will use later to his advantage.
Social Proof
This is one of the main weapons in his arsenal, the guy if he’s a player will have a host of admirers walking up to him and striking up conversations, even better is when he takes you out and already knows everyone who works there. These are sure fire signs that he brings more than just you there.
Social proof is the way most players get women to fall for them. It’s a concept called pre selection which basically explains that women in general tend to be more attracted to a guy that they know is in demand with other girls. This genetic hardwiring makes it easier for players to get what they want by piling up on who they have already conquered.
The A-Game
As far as dates go, first dates are very uncomfortable events. If a guy is extremely calm and confident in approaching a first date, it’s safe to assume he’s done it a lot of times before. And if he seems to say the exact right things all the time and act fully in control, things might not be looking too good for you.
Granted certain guys are better than others with girls but no one is as calm as a guy who’s gone through the motions a million times.   
By Dilshan Senaratne


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