Helping Children Cope with Stress

Jan 31 2012.

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Adults nowadays are familiar with the concept of stress and its possible connection with low immune systems and consequently, infections. But do you know that children also have their share of stress?
Many people think that because children are young, they are not plagued by stress like adults are. In a sense, it might be true, as children can go on carefree days just having fun and not worrying about the future. But these days, certain things in a youngster’s lifestyle also contribute to stress, such as overly packed school schedules, too many after-school activities to rush to, as well as the pull of too much entertainment leading to late bed times.
If these examples sound like something your child is undergoing on a daily basis, you may find the following principles a good tool for helping your child cope with stress:
1. Teach him relaxation techniques in the form of deep breathing. Many preschool teachers attest to the effectiveness of teaching young children to inhale and exhale a few times in order to wind down after a busy school day. This helps the child relax; resulting in a less hyperactive mode that sometimes accompanies too much stimulation during the day. Learning to pause and take breathing exercises will also allow the child to soothe down from a temper flare-up, even when you are not physically around to remind him or her. 
2. If your child is old enough to hold a pen or a crayon, encourage him to draw or paint. While kids typically pursue artistic interests simply because they are fun, sooner or later he will learn to use it as an outlet when he or she is feeling upset. Perhaps you may help encourage this form of expression by encouraging your child to draw what he thinks about high-pressure situations. For example, a child who has undergone the extreme stress of his parents separating may find comfort in drawing his family; just be sure you don’t take things personally and scold your child for drawing what he feels like drawing.
3. Playing soothing music is also a proven technique for helping children relax. Classical music, especially, has been shown by studies to provide the greatest positive effect on kids. Try to refrain from loud music, unless your child happens to love dancing; in that regard, dancing may be a great way to let out some of the frustrations he or she may feel. Older children can actually learn to play an instrument, and as they grow, they will find solace playing them by themselves. This also gives them an outlet for whatever negative feelings they may be having, instead of lashing out on their friends and siblings.
4. Give him or her time to vent. Sometimes, stressed kids will yell or cry. A lot of the time, moms and dads rush to quiet the bawling child, perhaps out of training him or her to be decent and respectable in public. While that is perfectly fine, there are times when stressed kids need more than having a constant law enforcer, especially as they are growing up. As a parent, your most major role in terms of helping your kids cope with stress is to be their greatest confidant and their greatest ally. This means that they can be themselves with you, knowing you will not condemn them for the expression of their emotions. Many people fear that this will lead to children who have no rein on their emotions, when in reality, their knowing that there are people with whom they can be themselves and still be loved will actually result to their being more confident and secure.
These simple tips, when done regularly, will help you in training your child to learn how to handle stressful situations. When they get used to these strategies, you will be surprised that your child learns to  bounce back from pressured situations on his or her own. The key is not to keep them dependent on you forever, but to slowly wean them to learn to bounce back even without you by their side, and the art forms are great ways for them to learn to express their feelings properly and in a way that does not do harm to other people.
(Written by Jessica Lord)



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