Good looks or personality?

Jul 28 2014.

views 870

The norm is to pick a partner for their personality and not good looks. Do you honestly accept this?

Sohail - There are people with different needs. Some go for looks, some go for personality and also both combined. But what I say is, you need an understanding towards each other. Doesn't matter if you look bad or not. When selecting a partner, it is always based on understanding, not feelings.

Parami - I'm not sure if its the 'norm', but it definitely should be that way. I think what a person is on the inside is what is most important, as eventually that's what will last. Personality over looks for sure.

Danidu - First of all nobody's perfect, not in anyway; shape or form and never will be. Those who think they are all of that usually are the ones who are very vain, delusional, with low-self esteem, which is only going to make them look and be dumb. Be and love who you are for what God created you to be and embrace/ cherish it. You have the best looking people around you who can't even put a single smile on anyone and even themselves. So, looks will get you nowhere but personality will. Most guys date girls because of their looks. True guys would look beyond it and date girls because of their personality. "I Don't Care About Popularity. I Live In Reality. Based In Originality. Forget Looks. I Respect Personality."

Rashmi - From what I think, good looks can only steal someone's attention whereas your personality is what hits the heart. But getting off from this cliche, in reality don't we all at one point trip for the looks? So I believe its all about the desired looks and the personality. Because if this significant other draws you in and wins that heart of yours, you just got a keeper.

Annapoorna - I totally agree... Physical beauty is temporary but a person's personality will last forever! People fall in love for each other's looks but that 'fire' which is ignited in such a relationship will not last long.. All what matters in a relationship is two matching personalities and I'm an experienced person regarding this scenario. I have a guy who really loves me for who I am and he is really better looking than me!

Judith - I accept it. But I also say that looks have to be there. Personality is what really matters though.

By Hasna Saleem


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