If you didn’t grow up with Street Fighter, then you’ve really missed one of the most amazing gaming experiences in your life.
From the arcade systems in Majestic City to the sleek new Console systems, Street Fighter is one of those rare games that have managed to adapt to new platforms and continue appealing to its key audience while maintaining much of its original character.
Street Fighter, with its stunning cast allows gamers to fulfil yet another fantasy: battling it out with heroes (and villains) from different gaming universes. Fans of the series may easily recall crossovers with the X-Men and Avengers. Tekken is the latest crossover and promises to be better than ever, thanks to a number of enhanced gaming mechanics.
Co-Op Play
Let me start with the obvious, Street Fighter X Tekken is basically a two-on-two action fighter game, where each side has two fighters. Players can swap their fighters at any point of the game. More interestingly, players can even team-up and fight on the same team; thus, there is room for a total of four players.
However, the game doesn't drag on forever because even when one fighter is knocked out (KO!!), his or her team loses that particular round even if the other player has a full bar of health.
As a result, teams are forced to play strategically as a single unit. To take advantage of this system, players must know exactly when to switch players and deal an uninterrupted number of brutal combos on the opposing side.
Longtime fans and new players will instantly find the new combat system very appealing because the basic combos remain the same regardless of the character. Players can start playing quite comfortably before starting to study the more specialised moves of each character as they progress.

The combat system has three punches and three kicks. In addition, there is an energy metre, which allows you to deploy some amazing combos during battle. One of the coolest things is definitely the cross-cancelling. Players can bring in their partners during mid-combo to launch a more devastating attack.
Of course, players could just follow the more traditional strategy of fighting with one character and then switching to the other when the health drops to a critical level, but this require ignoring one of more innovative features of the game.
The game also introduces ‘Gems’ (only for the console versions), which enhances a character’s combat skills. While each player can hold a maximum of three gems, it is a challenging process to activate them.
There are also a number of combat modes: arcade and challenge. Each mode has its own flavour and come loaded with a variety of tools to teach players before putting them in combat.
In fact, the amount of focus the game has devoted towards tutorials and training is a welcome addition and will certainly be appreciated by amateurs and pros alike.