Eeenie Meenie Minie Mo!

Jul 16 2013.

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(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
Eenie Meanie Minie Mo, which one of Dad’s carefully ironed shirts for work, should I crumple and do a drool fest on. Hmmm..decisions decisions, now that I’m crawling nothing is safe from my reach. Mum’s adopted the minimalist style of decorating these days, dust balls could roll through our house like in an old Western town, there’s nothing to get in their way.
Mum’s put away every breakable item since I happened to run into an old family heirloom from Dad’s family and smashed it into smithereens, HEY I said I could crawl BUT I never said I had a sense of direction, twists and turns are beyond me, I only do straight lines. Anyways Mum did seem secretly pleased to be rid of THAT old thing, even though Dad, ‘Haaaa’ and ‘Hooo’ and said ‘Aiyo’ a lot, could have been priceless he muttered as he cleaned up the mess, might have paid for one of the kids to go to college!.
Not to worry Dad, that’ll be just me you’ll have to finance, not sure about Big Sister though, sometime I look at that child and think I know the wheel is turning, but I think the hamster’s having a lie in today. Anyways despite his financial loss Dad moves onto baby proofing the cupboards with a renewed vengeance.
Hey I’m just a baby Dad, give me a break. Cupboards all done, it’s time to cover all the sharp edges. Dad, hammer, nails and a Big Sister whose just had a ginormous cup of juice, jumping around Dad’s ankles, pretending to be a butterfly. This looks like a Tarrantino movie about to happen, I sit in trepidation in the corner of my playpen, sheesh I hope there won’t be too much blood, I love my Dad, he’s all that I’ve got!
Nail held tightly in place, Dad raises the hammer, Big sister decides at that moment to go from being a butterfly into a Swan, hits Dad’s hand, hammer slips, comes into contact with Dad’s thumb, misses nail completely. Wow that’s a good pair lungs Dad has on him, even better than me, I’ve got some competition. Mum dives for the ice, whilst Dad swoops down on the medicine cabinet he just baby proofed, ooppsie its stuck..maybe these baby locks also works for Dads?...
After several minutes of frantic tugged and pulling, Dad wrenches it open with a crow bar, ‘We’ll just keep that one open’ he says, I think he’s turning a bit blue from the pain. What a great morning, I accomplished a lot, cleared the house, financially ruined my father and then nearly amputated him. Need a nap now!
Expert Advice : Why do Babies crawl?
Crawling is your baby's first method of getting around efficiently on his own. In the traditional crawl, he'll start by learning to balance on his
hands and knees. Then he'll figure out how to move forward and backward by pushing off with his knees. At the same time, he'll be strengthening the muscles that will soon enable him to walk.
Most babies learn to crawl between the ages of 7and 10 months. Your baby may opt for another method of locomotion around this time, though – like bottom shuffling (scooting around on her bottom, using a hand behind and a foot in front to propel herself), slithering on her stomach, or rolling across the room.
Don't worry about her style – it's getting mobile that's important, no matter how your baby does it. Some babies don't crawl and move directly to pulling up, standing, cruising (furniture walking), and walking.
Expert Advice :Baby Proofing the house
Parents worry endlessly about how to protect their children from stranger abduction and violence, but many overlook one of the biggest threats to their children's safety and well-being — their own home.
Experts say that children between the ages of 1 and 4 are more likely to be killed by fire, burns, drowning, choking, poisoning, or falls than by a stranger's violence.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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