Destructive Toddlers

Oct 13 2015.

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I'm Bad, I'm Bad...I'm really really BAD 
I don't know why I do it. But sometimes being bad is just much more easy than being good...especially when you're two and three quarters! I know I've been told not to draw on Mum's clean pristine walls, but I fell they need color and something just takes over me when given a crayon. The need to let loose my creativity, to draw, what looks in my eyes as “The birth of Venus” on the living room wall for all to see cannot be contained. Dad might throw his hands up in the air in frustration and shout the baby has been scribbling on the walls again, hey what does he know about art...he's just Dad, phissh. And I know I've been told a million times to NOT pull mummies make up box, but it's the art again, I just think Mummy shouldn't confine her luscious liquid Revlon eyeliner to JUST her eyes, they need to put be on all my soft toys and them maybe spilled over those expensive cushioned chairs great aunt Milda gave. Yeah Mummy, let me take your new MAC lipstick and just spread that “Bright fushia matte” all over..ooops I think it broke, ahh just use some glue and stick it together. Oh dear Mum's just caught me, and she's got a pout alright, not a lipstick wearing pout, more like a angry one. Yep been bad once again. My latest obsession is picking the keys off Just Dad's laptop..ouu that's so much fun. There he goes off to work humming a happy tune, laptop stored away on his desk in the home office, and off I pitter patter, when Nanny is not looking. Like a moth to a flame the laptop just calls out my name, those little keys fit perfectly into my little fingers, there goes a “W”, next is “O”..and I think the letter “K” is just screaming to me to take it out. Yeah left Daddy a nice surprise of missing keys, hey he doesn't need to use all of them anyways.  Yes these are just a few of my notorious activities, I still haven't included the raiding of fridge, breaking of fine china...ouuu I'm so bad. But the good thing about being so bad and being just two, is that everyone thinks I'm so cute and no one can be mad with me for too long! 
Why are toddlers so destructive? 
Grabbing, banging, throwing and dropping are par for the course when you have a toddler in the house. These little people can’t seem to resist the temptation of seeing their spaghetti go splat on the kitchen floor or hearing that satisfying squelch of ketchup on the tabletop. Likewise, toy cars must be thrown, regardless of the proximity of the window (or your head). And toddlers have the power to wreak havoc in the time it takes to answer the phone or go to the bathroom. Toddlers aren’t being bad when they pitch your phone across the room or paint the walls with chocolate frosting. They’re driven to explore, to learn how the world works. They are figuring out cause and effect, like what happens when you let go of something; it matters not whether it’s your grandmother’s china teacup or a wooden block. They can’t yet think ahead to consequences. 
Protecting your house from baby and vice versa. 
Your toddler will eventually grow out of this phase, bit till then it is best to take the necessary precautions. Get down to his or her level and walk around your house looking for  ways to baby proof the house. From corners to sharp edges, easily accessible drawers, breakables, these are all things that should be looked into when baby proofing the house. 
By Mayuri Jayasinghe


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