Curvy is “in”

Jan 28 2013.

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Come the end of the first month in a brand new year most of us have successfully trashed our new year’s resolutions and are well on our ways indulging in the familiar comforts of our food, shopping and other not so publicly mentionable addictions.
The lack of resolve we host towards our own wellbeing is an ironic twist in our otherwise unrelenting pursuit of idealism. 
Whether we like to admit it or not losing a little weight around our midsections qualify in most of our lists or resolutions, closely followed of course by our continuous thriving to bring about world peace, we really aren’t that shallow to focus on our own rather well fed midsections are we?
Of course not. But here’s the food for thought from my end this time. What if I said being a little round might help you ladies improve your sex life?
Let’s lower those raised eyebrows and the rest of you please read through the rest of this article before you dash to your respective refrigerators to fish out a fresh bowl of ice cream, I said being a “little” round might be good for you; not sumo wrestler obese and diabetic.
Now to justify my reasoning to the disbelieving women and the men who are cautiously nodding in agreement. 
History of the curvy look
Let’s start with history; you know how Greek god statues of male deities are always ripped with six-pac abs and broad shoulders signed off with barrel chests? Well clearly nothing much has changed for the idea of an ideal male physique over the years; any male underwear model you see nowadays very closely resembles the statues of Aries and Zeus you’ll see in the Louvre. 
Now let’s take a look at ancient portrayals of female deities and other female icons. Lets Google it just for kicks, funny how none of those statues and paintings have ribs popping out and spines on display, don’t you think? The reason for portrayals of broad shouldered men and wide hipped women is simple, it’s evolutionary logic, both physical traits are indicators of fertility and play a big role in creating sexual chemistry. 
Now don’t get me wrong I’m not proposing that there’s no good reason a woman should keep herself in shape for the sake of being considered attractive evolutionarily, I know quite a few very trim girls who are also very attractive but the thing is this obsession with stick thin physiques should be for personal satisfaction, not to gain approval from the opposite sex or to impress lovers, most men will be much happier with a little more flesh and a little less bone. 
The case for curves
I’m aware that attraction is a largely personal opinion but let’s talk a little science, “curvy women hit men’s brains like a drug” concluded a research study conducted by Researchers at Georgia Gwinnett College and the University of Texas at Austin, involving 14 men with an average range of 25.
The findings suggested that visually conceiving a shapely woman activates the same reward centers in the male brain as pleasure inducing drugs. I don’t sound so stupid anymore do I? That’s what I thought.
The universality of curves
The thing about making statements when it comes to what’s hot and what’s not is that how right or wrong you are depends largely on where you live. Cultural differences in perception of what’s beautiful vary to a rather striking degree, there’s a reason why women in ancient cultures suffocated themselves nearly to death to sport what might seem to be absurd physical traits like a long neck (Kayan women) or gaping holes in their ears (Maasai women).
The good news is that studies conducted by anthropologists over the years have shown significant consistency in what men of varying cultures across the globe find to be attractive in terms of physical shape. Narrow waists, broad hips and large breasts come across as the universal formula for the type of woman a man wants in bed.
My two cents
Well I love quoting from scientific research but for once let’s throw in my two cents for anyone who wants to hear it, in my most humble opinion one of the major perks of a curvy woman is the visual reward.
Men are primarily visual creatures and tend to thrive on what they see, it really isn’t a big surprise then that a curvy woman has more to offer visually than a stick thin girl you worry might break a limb. From an artistic point of view straight lines translate as rigid and logical while curves are more intimate and emotionally relevant, I’m assuming there’s a correlation between the two as well.
The flip side 
Well the one sure thing about humans is that there’s always an exception to the rule and in the case of curvy women vs. stick thin super models the case is largely based on the perception of beauty. Evolutionary logic and all other kinds of logic suggests that a curvy woman should be more attractive than the alternative but the reason why thin is so in is that the media continuously creates associations between wafer thin models and beauty.
At the end of the day it’s really a matter of whether you want your man to really appreciate you in bed or whether you want to emulate what you see in TV and though the choice seems an easy one, it’s a surprisingly difficult one to make.
By Dilshan Senaratne


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