Cheating: Your Opinion

May 19 2014.

views 1192

Your opinion - Women cheat more than men

Priyani – Does it matter? Cheating is wrong!

Gautham – Women are hornier than men, they are seduced easily. Guys get tempted more they control when it matters.

Chadithya – Well I do agree that women cheat more than men. But you can’t really judge people for that. Sometimes things don’t always go the way you want it.

Natasha – Sometimes we women are tempted to check out boys who excite us. But we deviate and go back to that ‘special person’. You cheat only if you’re lacking attention from your partner. I personally think once you fall in love the thought of cheating never crosses your mind.

Hasina – Women are less likely to cheat more than men. It’s a common fact that women are more sensitive at heart, thus making it impossible to cheat or lie. Men on the other hand, have a natural gift of being able to manipulate women into feeling loved and special. They are gifted with the ability to feel less and be numb, hence making it easier to cheat.

Dilshan – Well I guess it’s harder to prove because women probably cheat emotionally and men cheat physically.

Dhanushka – Oh well you can’t necessarily state that women cheat more than men because we can never get an exact count. There are times when men cheat and times when women cheat and there should be a reason behind as to why it happens. May it be lack of understanding, love or sex. You cant necessarily blame anyone, it’s their life, their choices. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure, I believe in most things in life being temporary, nothing is permanent. Especially when it comes to feelings.

Sachini - Well the topic has two opinions to it, sometimes men cheat on women and then again women cheat on men due to various reasons. Over the years things have changed a lot and now a days it is very difficult to have a proper relationship due to various reasons and main reason being the trust issue which leads to men and women cheating on each other.


Text by Hasna Saleem


  1. Sylvia Haik says:

    I admit, we cheat more than men because we are fickle and we have a smaller attention span. E.g when a girlfiriend introduces her boyfriend to another woman, the latter's first thought is "How do I get him"..

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