Jun 30 2014.
views 1095Couple of the week – Carlene and Buddhika
Carlene, a writer, and Buddhika, a marketer/ radio personality (Danny from the KISS OverDrive on KISS FM) have been crazy-in-love for two years, and happily married for almost one.
1. When did you first meet and how long has it been since?
C: We first met in September 2011, so it's been roughly 2 1/2 years
B: September 2011, not long enough.
2. What was the first thing about your partner that you were attracted to?
C: His sense of humour - he's sharp, sarcastic and funny.
B: erm her intellect perhaps.
3. What do you think maintains a successful relationship for you both? (Friendship/physical attributes etc)
C: We're partners in life; we tell each other the truth, we laugh, we're friends and we communicate. Also he just does what I tell him to do.
B: I think that being the best of friends and partners in pretty much anything and everything helps us to be happy together.
4. What is the best thing you like about your partner?
C: His optimism; he always sees the silver lining in everything.
B: Her matter of fact manner, the way she supports me and how she understands me.
5. What is something you detest about your partner?
C: I wouldn't have married him if I detested anything about him, so I'd say nothing.
B: How about not being able to detest something about her?
6. Describe your relationship in a word?
C: Awesome
B: Perfect
By Hasna Saleem