Basics of seduction

Jun 20 2012.

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Few people give seduction the credit it deserves, often misled by other diluted forms of its indirect application. Seduction lies at the center of almost all human actions in an extremist viewpoint that is justified with significant viability. Sigmund Freud the renowned psychologist claimed that human nature is a combination of two primary life forces, eros and thanatos. In loose translation the two Greek words are actually derived from the deities charged with love/sex and death.

Even though his statements have been discredited in modern academic circles, the importance of aggression and sex as constituents of basic humanity remains as emphatic as it ever were. Starting from employment to beauty, fashion, personal grooming and social recognition, seduction is the prime motivator of all sophisticated human obsessions. One’s career, financial success and good looks all contribute to securing sexual relations with an unsuspecting member of the opposite gender, and the act is known colloquially as seduction.

Even though much effort is made in our waking lives to increase our chances of successfully seducing the girl next door, very little knowledge exists on how to effectively improve our chances of appealing sexually to the woman across the bar.

Few known methods are beaten to the bone universally in the form of attaining that perfect body or driving that dream car, which no doubt assists the purpose but poses a significantly difficult task themselves. A little knowledge in the basics of seduction will take anyone a long way.


What You See Is What You Get



The most well-known of facets which cause attraction is visual appeal, which includes how you look, what you’re wearing and even the car you’re driving. Even though large emphasis is placed on it, visual appeal is only one of many mediums in seduction. To hum the same old tune however, visual appeal is largely dependent on a few key areas; symmetry, genetic similarity, appeal to personal taste and accepted societal standards.

Symmetry is considered a universal notion of attractiveness while genetic similarity gets the sub conscious urges flaring, both factors however are largely pre-determined and have little or no room for improvement, aside from practicing proper posture and consuming balanced a diet.

Appealing to personal taste is also pre-determined considering you have little control over what turns her on. However societal acceptance is a key area that should be exploited. Fashionable individuals are often perceived to be attractive and are easily accepted by society in general, another plus being the higher levels of confidence experienced by people who are dressed to kill. The latest in today’s clothing, hair styles and accessories will do you good when approaching that elusive target.



Music to Our Ears



Voice is one of the most underrated contributors to sexual chemistry and one that is used sparsely in unsuccessful courting attempts. In general men with deep low note voices are universally associated with masculinity, and women all over the world agree that men with low pitched voices are more attractive to their squeaky counterparts.

In addition to the evolutionary hardwiring, stable deep voices also portray confidence and calm, both factors which signify a potentially fertile and suitable mate. Voices that crack and squeal are a common symptom of nerves and anxiety.

Aside from the tone and pitch, men who speak with more modulation and in a lulling rhythm are seen as more convincing and pleasant to be in conversation with. A study conducted in Salt Lake City Utah, showed results that suggest women have a preference towards men with lower pitched voices during ovulation another sign that low down is the new up high.



Smells like Heaven



Yet another largely unexplored area of human seduction is in fragrance. The designer perfume industry isn’t a multimillion dollar one by chance. Scent is one of the strongest senses in most animals and act as both an identifier as well as a decider.

To say that you are judged by your odor is slightly disturbing but on the bright side who doesn’t want to smell like one million. Evolutionarily scent appeals to a special area in the nose that receives signals from pheromones and causes sexual chemistry but on a more conscious note a good scent often conveys a hygienic message.

In addition, scent is a known anchor which means that scents are associated strongly with memories, so if she grew up on the country side and you’re wearing something that smells like the wind in the willows, you’re chances just might be better than the next guy who reeks of urban hustle, provided of course she had a pleasant childhood.



Tastes Like Fireworks



Once the defenses are done with and you get through to your first kiss you’ll be wise to remember that women have an uncanny ability to base the future of your potential relationship from the quality of your first kiss, and your kissing skills have little to do with it.

Women and their intuitive ability to foretell relationship success is based partly on sensing genetic makeup, and an olfactory sense that allows to subconsciously write you off based on your first kiss. Regardless it couldn’t hurt to have fresh breath.



Touch Of Fire


Touch is the single most sexual sense known to man considering that sex itself is an expression of touch primarily. The right kind of touch in the right place can send anyone spiraling down the depths of sexual arousal.

Women are specially prone to being turned on by subtle touching due to extremely charged erogenous zones that exist all over their bodies. Waist, Neck and wrists are places to look for when seducing a woman.






(By Dilshan Seneratne)


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