Back to school avoid

Sep 06 2012.

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Call me a bad parent, but I am definitely one who relishes the end of the summer holidays and the day that my children head back to school. As much as I love having my children at home, it’s a lot of work and despite organizing activities for them to entertain themselves, they are always in my ‘mummy radar’ and I can never completely relax. It is mentally and physically exhausting.
So on the first day of school, with a spring in my step and gladness in my heart I gather the troop together and we join the rest of the parents dragging in reluctant, grumpy looking kids. Never have I met a more happier bunch of adults, we shout with joy when we see each other, exclaiming ‘What a beautiful day’ despite the rain coming down in torrents, ‘How was your summer, you look fantastic!’, the positive happy energy overflowing around us, whilst our children stand around looking forlorn and morose. Our jubilance is overpowering, leaving behind our children we bounce out of the school gates united in our common joy. Hoorah!, the kids are back at school.
A word of caution Parents, this joyous day could be marred of course if you do not prepare in advance for your child’s first day back. After a month long holiday our routines are quite lax and it will definitely be a shock to the system, getting everyone back into their schedules. Here are some back to school ‘fails’ to avoid.
As I was saying, during the summer we all embrace the loving summer feeling and said goodbye to rules and regulations and of course set bedtimes. I am guilty of such act. But when school starts of course children need to be reeled back into their schedules. A week before school starts enforce the early bedtimes once again, this will definitely result in a happier child and thus in turn a more happy you.
Over the summer my kids grew which meant of course new shoes, new clothes…new everything. Shopping in Sri Lanka is not the easiest of things to do, usually resulting in multiple visits to several stores to buy just one item. Put children into the mix and you really have a challenge. Since I had to take the entire troop with me to buy shoes for example, I planned ahead and reserved one shopping day for one item, therefore Monday was shoes, Tuesday was water bottles, lunchboxes etc. It took a week BUT it was definitely more productive and less stressful.
Despite our glee of children going back to school, you might be faced with a child who is anxious about the return. Keep talking to them about it, also make it a positive experience, tell them about all the exciting things they will learn and do. Your excitement will definitely be a positive factor for despite their anxiety on the first day, they will soon settle in.
Be strict with the early morning roles and responsibility. When dealing with a brood of children, it is wise to get the older ones to help you out, they should be given responsibilities, tasks to complete, things to remember, this makes everyone feel important and helps the process of getting all out the door fast.
Don’t be overwhelmed with all the new schedules, covering of books, after school clubs to organize, health sheets to fill that get piled on your desk after the first day back. Take it slow, make a head start on the book covering, do only those required for that day, break it up. However tedious, draw up schedules, hang them where there are easily accessible by all. It helps in moments of crisis, when you can’t remember which child has what!
I could write a book on how we can prepare as parents, but in my limited column, these are a few suggestions that will make the first few days easier. Planning and preparation are the key elements, especially when kids are involved. Enjoy the start of the school year!
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 



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