Dealing with late night visits---from your child

Jul 17 2012.

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Regular sleep for a parent is a vital component in their sanity, ask a sleep deprived parent would they choose winning the lottery over a good night’s sleep and nine out of ten their belligerent reply is ….SLEEP!

Fortunately my children have reached that stage where they sleep throughout the night but I have been there holding the baby at 3 o’clock in the morning whilst the whole house slumbers and I curse my husband’s ability to sleep through anything!.

Anyways after years of peaceful slumber, my sleep was rudely disturbed this week due to a monster hiding in the closet or hogging of the blankets by one sibling, my evil  ‘sleep deprived’ twin,  bad witch of Colombo therefore made an appearance.

Fortunately for everyone’s relief this was a one time occurrence but I feel for those mothers stuck in the early years where sleep is a rare commodity. Here are some ways to achieve peaceful slumber!


Take Naps

You would think that if a toddler doesn’t sleep during the day, they will definitely sleep at night, BUT infact experts say that a good nap during the day encourages wholesome sleeping at night. Make sure your child goes down for a sleep at the same time everyday. And also make sure that bedtime is always at a specific time, your children’s bodies get used to these times and when a routine is set the body adjusts to the specific staying up and sleeping times.



No Sugar

Never allow your child vast amounts of sugary snacks just before dinner. They will be jumping off the walls and trying to put them down will require super human strength. Be wary of your child’s diet.

Have replenishments

With the hot days and nights we have to suffer through these days, your child might be getting up since they are thirsty. Have a cup with a lid, to avoid spills, by their bedside, to replenish their thirst. Once they are familiar with it they can do it themselves rather than come and disturb you and have you triaspaizing down in the kitchen at all times of the night.

Have a companion

Even though they all have their own rooms, my children sleep together. Having that companion at night helps them sleep throughout. If your child does not have another sibling to sleep with, then encourage them to choose a teddy bear or a soft toy of their choice, one that will keep them safe throughout the night.



Be consistent

If your child were to come to your room at night, don’t opt for the easy way and allow them into your  bed, sleeping sideways, with their feet in your face is not going to ensure a good night sleep and you are instead developing bad habits despite how cute they look asleep.

Take them back to their rooms, see what the problem is and put them back to their beds. After a few times your child will get the message. Invest in a gate for their room, for this will also act as a safety measure if your child were to wander around at night, with stairs and other objects, this could be dangerous.

It is important to remember that every child is different, do not despair if your friend’s child who is also two, sleeps for longer. You have to set a routine that works for your child and be consistent with it. You definitely will not work miracles overnight, but coupled with consistency and sensitivity to your childs’ needs you are sure to achieve the twenty winks that you so rightly deserved. Happy snoozing!



By Mayuri Jayasinghe



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