Sep 06 2012.
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Wake up early. In addition to the stress already present on a first day of school why make it more difficult by rushing through the early morning routine. Wake up early so you have enough time to spend at breakfast and any last minute hiccups of unexpected tantrums that might occur with your tiny one.
Get to school early- On the first day it is always best to get there early and spend some time with your young one walking through the school, dropping older kids in classes, getting last minute school supplies etc. It gives the over anxious child a chance to relax and get used to the surroundings, helps them put their guard down and realize school is a nice friendly place.
At least on the first day allow your child to take a toy that they take comfort in until they become acclimatized to their surroundings. This familiar toy can give them comfort in your absence.
Despite how anxious you feel for them on their first day, try not to let them hone in on your worries, this will only make them more anxious. Even though I stayed positive for all my children’s first days at school, in their absence I probably cried more than they did, to see my little babies starting off on a journey that would last another good fifteen years and would then be their final step before they fly the coup, is heart-breaking for every mother out there.
Keep your goodbyes short and sweet. Once they are in class, tell them what time you’ll come and pick them up, say goodbyes and be on your way. Do not linger. If you like you can come back in a bit and unbeknown to them have a peep to see how they are faring. I love doing that.