Baby Banter

Dec 10 2013.

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(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).


Big Sister runs screaming through the house “WHOOOPPPEEEE, pool, pool, pool”, not so happy me gets rudely woken!!! Just great, there I was in the middle of the most terrific dream ever, all I remember was my nursery clock chiming a soft soothing lullaby, I was all snuggly and cozy against Mummy, just after a lovely refreshing bath, smelling of the latest Eau-de-cologne, the fan gently rotating and the warm summer breeze lulling me to sleep. BUT NO!!!!

Thanks sister dear for the boot camp awakening. Will cry for awhile till I feel I have exasperated the whole household, bear with me it might take a couple of hours. Sometimes when I start the crying I’m on a mission and nothing can stop me. Mum’s calm façade starts to break as my hollering reaches Mariah Carey pitch…do something Mummy dearest before I move into Celine Dion territory, then we’ll have the neighbors running for the hills. 



The commotion brings Dad out of his ‘office’ as he likes to call but what we all refer to as the bed. “Let’s go swimming Daddy”, big Sister screams and since 'Just Dad' can never say no to the one who came before me, off we go. Before I could crank up my screaming fit another notch, Mum has me zipped up in some Ben 10 latex swimming debacle, strapped in the car and careening down the road. All this happened super quick and I was so distracted that I forgot about my hollering. That’s okay wait till we get there oh dear Parents, I’ll start once again, this time I might add in a few sobs as well since I probably will have an audience, must get it Oscar worthy obviously.

In no time we arrive at the pool and Big Sister goes screaming towards a large square pool of water, Dad runs after in hot pursuit for she’s hasn’t got a floaty anywhere on her, don’t stop her Dad I have dreams of being your much loved only child. What is up with that child and water? How come she makes such a big fuss when she has to have a shower but has no qualms about jumping into a body of water which so many people have swam in? Sheesh, hope it’s heavily chlorinated I’m not getting in someone’s bathwater Mum!!!! No way hozay!!! I’ll just sun bathe on the side here.

Safely strapped into my stroller I watch Dad and Big Sister goofing around with water guns and floaties slides…hmm...looks like fun, I think I want to join. Good ol’ Mum senses my need to swim and straps me into the some floaties, woah there, how many floaties and tubes do I need I’m not swimming the English Channel here. Didn’t realize how much fun swimming was, twirling through the water I couldn’t help but giggle all the time, I think I’m just going to skip the walking and just learn to swim first!




Naps are essential for Toddler Development

It’s not just your mood that benefits from your active toddler taking his daily afternoon snooze. A new study found that toddlers who don’t nap exhibit more anxiety, less joy, and decreased ability to solve problems. “This study shows insufficient sleep in the form of missing a nap taxes the way toddlers express different feelings, and, over time, may shape their developing emotional brains and put them at risk for lifelong, mood-related problems,” says study leader Monique LeBourgeois, Ph.D. from University of Colorado

Why do babies cry for no reason?

Crying jags are usually triggered when a tot craves attention, wants an activity or tangible item, or would like to escape a demand, said Michael Potegal, a behavioral neuroscientist at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Children may not enjoy having crying fits, but at least it delays them from having to do something they do not want to do.




Swimming is great For Physical and Mental Development

When babies are born, their brains are full of lots of higgledy-piggledy neurons (rather like B roads). These need to be thickened into super fast motorways so that their brain functions more efficiently.

Any kind of movement is great for this – swings and see-saws being perfect examples. Being in water means that your baby can move particularly freely and there’s plenty of rocking from side to side, twirling your baby around.

They’re also free of the restrictions of gravity – and will use muscles they’d never even find on land. Which is why swimming provides the perfect exercise.



By Mayuri Jayasinghe


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