(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
We are going on a trip ..WOO HOOO…nope nope this I time I am sure, it’s not a false trip to the doctor's or a daily grocery run, Mum packs so much of my baby stuff every time I go out I get confused. This time I know it’s actually a genuine trip because Dad’s packed his ‘lets go crazy’ at the buffet pants. Yeah I got some of those as well Dad, the elasticated ones, but mine’s got frills, they are prettier.
So Mum’s in a mood, I don’t think I’ll mess with her today by crying just because I can. I know who’s the boss and she’s got that face that says "don’t mess with me". She’s busy packing and sorting out the last minute house details, Big Sister’s no help; she’s covered herself in swimming floaters. Did anyone tell that child that you can’t wear two at a time and they work only in water?
Dad’s busy finishing last minute work stuff. Typical, I hope he doesn’t bring that laptop with him when he comes.Anyways, back to the chaos at hand, no one to help poor old mum, I’ll help you Mum..I’ll come to your rescue, I’ll be your knight in shining armour. First let me just wriggle on my tummy to that nicely packed bag you have in the corner; I'll just take all the stuff out and help you repack it. Who put clothes in here, I only wear diapers… right clothes all unpacked, now let me stuff Teddy, Froggy, one-eyed dolly… yeah that looks good.
Okay Mum all ready to go. Mum looks up at me and gives me a scream, WHAT? Did I do good?...do you like my packing Mum? I can give you some tips. Oh dear Mum doesn’t seem too happy.. "I just packed that bag" she goes, "now I’ll have to start all over again". Whatever I do, some people are never happy!!!
So after several false toilet trips, thanks to Big Sister’s indecisiveness, we finally set off. Boot is full to brim, with mostly my stuff, we’ve got stroller, travel cot, bath seat, a couple of bags of clothes, a few bags of toys…what can I say I am high maintenance. I’m nicely strapped in, the sun’s out, the air conditioning blows the one curly lock of hair I’ve got going.. phew it was a lot of hard work growing that one. I feel good, this is going to be a good trip, I can feel it in my toes…serenity…until Big Sister screams "ARE WE THERE YET!!??!!!" The next four hours are going to be fun..NOT!
What are Immunizations?
Immunizations are designed to protect against serious illnesses ranging from polio and tetanus to measles, mumps, and the seasonal flu. Many people consider them the most important part of child checkups. Immunizations are vaccines made of either weakened or "killed" versions of the bacteria or virus that causes a particular disease. When these altered viruses and bacteria are injected or taken orally, the immune system mounts an attack that stimulates the body to produce antibodies.
Once produced, the antibodies remain active in the body, ready to fight off the real disease. For example, if whooping cough broke out in your area, an immunized child would be much less likely to contract the disease than one who wasn't immunized. It is important that babies have had their first six months immunizations before any major trips.
What to pack
When planning a family vacation with babies most parents are either clueless to the problems that await them, or filled with dread from the memory of their last trip. Leaving the comfort of your home where you have all your baby needs close at hand and confining yourself in an airplane or car with your baby for several hours can make any parent nervous. The top five items to pack are:
Diaper Bag
Food Items
Entertainment needs
Child Restrain devices and strollers
Proper identification for Baby if flying out of the country.
How to keep you child from getting car sick?
It's always a good idea to try to schedule car trips during your child's nap (if he takes one) or regular sleep times, and if he's prone to motion sickness that strategy might be especially helpful. Here are some other ideas to keep in mind:
Don’t let your child sit too far back in the car. Children feel more queasy in the back seat.
Stock the car up with toys or books to act as distractions
Looking out the window can sometimes alleviate car sickness
Certain medicines might also help, but with strict consultation with a Paediatrician.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe