(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
Woke up to a scorching hot room, what happened did we relocate to the Sun and no one told me?. I can feel my ears burning, my skin is on fire and little droplets of sweat are trickling into my baby folds.
Okay this not my ideal situation of a lovely mid morning nap, I’m a baby I can’t sweat, I shouldn’t be put in this kinda of torture. Not to worry will do a bit of screaming so that mommy dearest will come running. OH NO another shock, no Mum, just Dad turns up. ‘What is all this screaming about’ he goes.
Well “Daddy darling if you had given me a bell I would have been more civilized and rung it, but instead I have to rely on my vocal chords to get myself out of a pickle. ‘Just Dad’ gives my bottom a sniff, ‘Nope, diaper clean, what the problem little one?’ I wail some more, I hope he understands but he his not Mum, I don’t accept much from him. All excited, ‘Just Dad’, goes ‘Lets go watch some UFC, its super fun I’ll teach you some moves’.
So we take refuge infront T.V, fan on full blast in my face. Ahh a bit refreshing….Mum’s no where in sight, looks like she’s abandoned us and left the family. All Dad’s fault I did tell him to buy her more stuff and end every sentence spoken to her by saying ‘yes Darling, you’re always right’. The man never learns, now I’m an abandoned motherless child, will scream some more in my hour of grief..jpg)
Dad gives me the remote to play with, evil man, all those little buttons and numbers are too distracting, I forget about the crying and get lost in the wonderment of the T.V remote. He of course is oblivious of my existence too busy rolling on the ground and doing fake arm bars. Looks like fun though I might join in, I kinda shuffle out of my chair, he’s forgotten to strap me in, I roll, fall, jump on to the living room carpet and join Dad whose in the midst of doing a Anderson Silva headlock on my Mum’s French silk pillow.
Nice one ‘Just Dad’, those did only cost a fortune. Mummy dearest you’ve left us and now the house is falling into ruin as well. Such sadness over comes me, I also have fallen tummy first and can’t roll over, bottom lip quivers, the need to scream is strong. Just then my superhero walks in, Mum you’re changed your mind, you’ve come back to us. Mum takes a look at the two of us and screams, swoops down to rescue me from the floor, ‘Just Dad’ is still in UFC position, this time looks like an arm bar.’ WHAT are you doing to the baby!!!’ She shouts. Dad awakens from his UFC daydream, ‘Oh you back honey how was the shopping, baby is fine, he was just having some tummy time. I was watching him all the time!
Expert Advice – How do you know you baby is suffering from heat stroke?
Your baby may first show signs of heat exhaustion, which is milder. You may notice that he's unusually thirsty or tired, or that his skin is cool and moist. If he's old enough, he may complain of leg or stomach cramps.
If your baby's heat exhaustion progresses to heat stroke, he may have any of the following symptoms:
A temperature of 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39.4 degrees Celsius) or higher — but no sweating
Hot, red, dry skin
Rapid pulse
Headache (which may make him irritable)
Rapid, shallow breathing
Lethargy (Your baby might not respond as strongly as usual when you call his name or tickle his skin, for example.)
Why do Babies cry?
Babies have different temperaments and, to some degree, it's the luck of the draw whether you have a baby who fusses and frets, is irritable and easily upset, or one who is easy-going, placid and content.
A mother's mood and feelings may also affect how much her baby cries. Crying is the way that babies signal they need something, rule out every possibility such an hunger, diaper change, needing to be burped etc before you start to worry about a serious issue.
What is tummy time?
During tummy time, your baby lays on her belly to play while you supervise. Since your baby sleeps on her back she needs to spend some of her awake time on her stomach to develop physically and mentally.
The Benefits
On her tummy, your baby lifts her head, which strengthens her neck and upper back muscles.
Being able to move her head reduces your baby’s risk of SIDS because she can move away from anything smothering her. Strong muscles let your baby roll over, sit, and crawl.
Tummy time also gives your little one a different view of the world.
Babies need to learn how to support their heads when they are still, says Tanya Altmann, MD, a pediatrician in California. “They also need to be able to turn their head in response to what's happening around them and hold their heads steady when they're moved."
Spending time on her stomach also helps your baby's head become round instead of developing flat spots on the back of her head.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe