Baby Banter

Jan 28 2013.

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(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).

WOMEN! I tell you!!!




Well isn’t someone in trouble and it’s not Dad for a change. Big Sister has apparently penciled someone in Nursery class today. Penciled, means for the benefit of the courts, has taken her pink ‘Dora the Explorer’ pencil and jabbed her fellow kindergartian in the hand. Luckily it hadn’t penetrated the skin and so she won’t get life imprisonment.

Darn, I was just dreaming of having Mum all to myself for eternity. A baby can dream can’t he. Anyways, the teacher had said Big Sister’s been acting up since I arrived and is possibly vying for some attention. Whatever. Hearing this mum decided not to be so harsh and as we were driving back, she tells Big Sister that when the baby’s asleep they will go off and have some girly fun together.
Right Mum, for your information, the baby is right here, don’t talk about me like I’m not in the room. Mum says we’ll have cookies and paint our nails to Big Sister. Okay that’s it we’re staying up all night today. Get ready Mummy dearest. Big Sister just looks at me and sticks her tongue out. Women!
Mom and her friends have got together and organized some coffee morning, mother and toddler thingy. They meet every Wednesday at each other’s houses, drink loads of coffee, complain about their husbands, exclaim about the woes of losing their baby weight and stuff themselves with cupcakes.
Humph. Anyways I can’t complain I get to meet some fellow baby peeps. Last Wednesday, I was put next to the other babies on the mat and just as I was looking around for something to chew, this totally gorgeous she baby crawled up next to me.
I felt the earth move, the heavens open up and I think  ‘SHE’ was the angel who had fallen out of the sky.
She was beautiful, big dewy eyes, chubby cheeks, drooling mouth and four hairs already on her head. WOW. I was in love. Before I could muster enough courage to get her number so that I could text her sometime, I’ve got pretty good movement in my thumbs now… she was gone.
Next Wednesday couldn’t come any faster for me, Mum thought I was excited to see the other babies. ‘These mother baby sessions are so good for you’ she exclaims..yeah right mum..whatever you say where’s my Baby Love?..Where’s my future Baby Momma???.Well to make a long story short, my Baby Love was gurgling at some hipster in a cool Ben 10 T-shirt, didn’t look in my direction once.
As Taylor Swift says ‘I knew you were trouble when you crawled in, shame on me, now I’m lying on the cold hard ground’…MUM..I really am face down on the carpet, still haven’t got my balance right, enough complaining about Dad. HELP ME I’ve fallen and I can’t get up ‘MUMMY!’. She’s dumped me, my hearts broken…I gonna cry for awhile now. As a baby that is what I do best!
Expert Advice – Children seeking attention.
Your toddler may act out, have extra tantrums and cling to you more than usual when you spend time with your new baby. You have to remember that you are the one the toddler wants. Your older child just thinks the new kid on the block should take a back seat.
Giving your toddler some attention with hugs and kisses whenever you can helps during the transition, especially when you first come home after delivery.
Expert Advice – Mother Toddler group
Mother Toddlers groups are a great place to meet mums with children your child's age, and your child can make new friends too. They will be entertained and stimulated by a whole variety of toys, and many groups have activities they can join in with.
Expert Advice – Do Baby’s benefit from group play?
Babies and young toddlers don't really need to "play" with other children. They may be interested in observing other babies and even touching, grabbing, or hitting them, but they don't engage in continued playful activity until well into toddlerhood.
Your baby may enjoy the stimulation of having other babies around him, but no one knows whether that will make a significant difference in his development. Older toddlers (between two and three years of age) do benefit from playing with their peers. Group play gives them a chance to hone their social skills in the company of other kids.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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