(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
YAY, we’re going on a field trip. Mum’s packing my bag, a couple of changes, my toys, extra bottles, umpteen diapers and the list goes on, hey I’m high maintenance, can put Kim Kardashian to shame with my extensive wardrobe.
But I’m so excited, can’t stop jumping in my bouncer, Dad makes a face as he starts packing the car, I hear him muttering under his breath, It’s only down the road. What do you mean it’s only down the road, IT’S A ROAD TRIP Dad, Get excited.
Anyways, despite party pooper Dad we take off. I wonder where we’re going? maybe tackle Sigiriya, or drive down and see the elephants in Yala or go up the hills and take in some mountain air…I’m so excited..Are we there yet?..

After five minutes of driving, we make a turn I just about manage to catch the sign post, it said something Hospital. Hospital is that where we’re going!!!!Why are we going back to the hospital, are they returning me.
Not sure if they read the small print on becoming parents, Babies equal no returns. I hear Mum say, poor thing the baby’s first shots. Oh great, why do I feel like the innocent dog being brought to the Vet, just to be prodded and poked. I’m sure this was all Dad’s idea. He has vile ways. Anyways, deep breath, better get this over and done with, I guess I need my shots, but I’m not going like it and I’m gonna cry a whole lot, so people better be prepared!
Since I am the ripe old age of two months, I feel my body changing drastically. Things are not as fuzzy anymore, my eyesight’s getting good, won’t really have to trouble mum about possibly going to Vision Care and getting those specs which I thought I would need.
Can see Mum in all her glory now, I think she looks like me, fancy that. With the eyesight getting better, Big sister better watch I can see her sneak into my room when Mum’s not watching and steal all my new toys, I might not be playing with them now Big Sister, but there will be a time and place and you better watch out!
Also guess what can hear better as well, so I can give Mum a few encouraging shouts when I know she is near, sort of like giving her directions really, even though she thinks I’m crying for nothing. One bad thing about the hearing working is that now I can hear Dad sing in the shower, his latest song craze is ‘Like a G6’ by Far East Movement…sheesh I can hear him now ‘I’m feeling so fly like a G6…like G6..yeah’. I feel mid-life crisis coming on, better warn Mum to get ready for the fast cars and possible tattoos!
Expert Advice- Packed Bag
Always have the baby bag packed and ready with essential such as an extra changes of clothes, diapers, wet wipes etc, things you feel are must haves when you are out of the house. Having the bag packed and ready before saves you time trying to pack in a hurry and of course forgetting the basic necessities which you will thoroughly regret when you on the move.
Expert Advice – Vaccinations
At two months, the first set of vaccinations will be given to your child, they are usually Pentavalent 1 and Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV1). Pentavalent is a combination of 5 vaccines which are to fight diphtheria, Pertisus, tetanus, Hep B and Hib virus. The first dose is given and two months and the next two does at 4 and six months. Each child during the first year of their life should receive three doses of the Oral Polio Vaccine or OPV. Vaccines tend to differ from country to country, but these are ones commonly given in Sri lanka at two months of age.
Expert Advice – Two month developments
Two-month-old babies are gaining more control over their bodies. That means they can hold their head a little steadier while lying on their tummies or being supported upright. Also babies can see objects -- and people -- from up to 18 inches away. That means you still need to get pretty close, but your baby will be able to see your face pretty well while feeding.
Baby’s hearing is improving, too. Your 2-month-old will especially enjoy listening to the sound of your voice. For a 2-month-old, most communication consists of crying. But you may hear a few gurgles, grunts, and even some sweet coos.
By Mayuri Jayasinhge