Baby Banter: The first day
Oct 17 2012.
views 988
(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
For those of you who missed out, last week I was born. Spent nine months in a warm comforting room, though after gaining seven pounds space WAS becoming an issue. Then suddenly one day, the heavens opened up and I was grabbed, more like pulled out. Not sure if I needed to be so severely manhandled by Mr Latex gloves, might have to take that up with someone.
Anyways check-out was messy, and as I bellowed mouth open, I caught a glimpse of my ‘hostie’ at the top of the bed. Everyone seemed to refer to her as my mother, couldn’t really make out her face since she seemed to be crying a lot, though I sensed out of happiness. Very strange.
Anyways she smelt great and as I cuddled up to her, I stopped bellowing for a second and soaked up all the warmth and cuddly loveliness. This was perfect, I was in love.

Unfortunately this was short-lived for once again I was grabbed, placed on a bed, bright light above me and then started all the poking and prodding. What is this, I wasn’t extra-terrestrial, was there a need for such an invasion of privacy.
First they checked out the hands and toes, TEN, Miss Latex gloves shouted out. Yes I could have told her that. If only one of my fists could meet her face, such pulling and pushing of my body was not putting me in a good mood. Then a long metal object with a circular end was placed over various parts of the body.
As I cried even more Miss Latex says that’s a good sign. Prodding, poking, bending, twisting over, good colour, strong cry, "healthy baby" Miss Latex gloves proclaimed handing me over to the nurse who wrapped me up. At last peace and comfort and back to my mum who smelt so good.
After the ‘airport security check’ style manhandling, was taken to our room, where I finally got to meet my mother’s Spartan slave, for the last nine months. He turned out to be my father. Fancy that. He kept grinning from ear to ear, pointing at me, slapping everyone in the back and saying ‘All my hard work!”. Seemed like a jovial chap, I could get used to him easily.
Guess what guys, found out why mum smelt so good, she comes with milk, delicious stuff. I was up every two hours to fill up the little belly. A word to my other baby peeps, stay away from packeted formula powder if you can, vile stuff, at least for the first six months or so. The breast milk is the best!
So on the whole, first day of my life was not too bad, got fed regularly, diaper changed as well and then rocked gently to sleep. Didn’t have to lift a finger to do anything.
I could definitely get used to this. Time for another nap I think.
Expert Advice
As soon as babies are born an “APGAR test is done on them and a score is given. Here the baby’s physical appearance, height and weight, whether they are a healthy colour, has a strong cry, whether breathing is regular, and tone of limbs, whether floppy or not is all examined. Any other physical abnormalities are also looked at such as cleft palate and down syndronic conditions. A listen to the heart, lungs and abdomen is checked. As well as the presence of the anus is ascertained.
Expert Advice
The Vitamin K injection is administered on newborns to help with the coagulation of blood. It is either given in the form of an injection or as mouth drops.
Expert Advice
Skin‐to‐skin contact between a mother and her baby at birth reduces crying, and helps the mother to breastfeed successfully.
Expert Advice
Breast milk is the best sterile nutrition to provide for your newborn. Studies have shown that breast fed children develop less allergies. Breast feeding is also good for the mother, since it reduces your chances of getting breast cancer.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe