Baby Banter: The everyday perils of NORMAL life

Nov 07 2012.

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(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).

The everyday perils of NORMAL life
Woke up today to Mum screaming in my face. What a strange turn of events this was for usually I’m the one screaming in her face. She grabbed me and ran to find Dad, shouting the Baby’s got a rash, the baby’s got a rash, what is it, chicken pox, measles, ebola virus..WHAT! WHAT!?
Have to give credit to Dad he appeared quite calm while Mum was having her panic attack. Must be his medical background..OR maybe he just doesn’t care about ME!!!...humph. I knew Mum was the only one I could reply on.
Anyways he takes one look and says it looks like milia to me…this does nothing to appease panic-stricken Mum, who shouts call the doctor, call the specialist. To which Dad replies I am a doctor, I am a specialist.
‘Doesn’t count’ Mum shouts and before I know it I am strapped in my car seat..bouncing down Galle Road, off to Durdans for some extensive investigation. After a two hour wait, and a ‘have lost the will to live’ looking Dad, the Pediatrician confirms to us that it’s just baby milia and not to worry it usually clears up on its own accord.
Well I just had to be sure Mum says to a ‘I told you so looking Dad’. I’m just glad it’s not bird flu or something, Big sister did come and slobber her after school germs all over me the other day. I love my mum, I’m so proud of the fact that she doesn’t care what people think of the way she looks after a long sleepless night with me. The other day she took Big sister to school in a flowery top and pajama bottoms.
You go mum, you rock that Jammie look!!! Victoria Beckham eat your heart out, my mum’s the Queen of style. Anyways after this fashion disastrous morning as my Dad calls it and since it was his off day, he asks Mum to sleep in while he decides to give me a bath.
Oh dear…I feel a sense of impending doom coming on. As I listen in trepidation to a bad rendition of my Dad humming ‘Here’s my number, Call me maybe…’while he gets the bath ready…oh boy is there anyone I can call I think to myself…the coastguard, the President… save me from this tsunami equivalent disaster….. Okay bath filled, clothes off, fingers crossed here we go.
Woah nelly, not a good idea to throw a bucket load of cold water over my head Dad..c’mon the heads new. Okay another big NO NO, not a good idea to be on the phone chatting T-20 scores when you’ve got a bathing baby in the crook of your arm, sudden dip and I felt like the H.M.S Victoria navigating the strong seas.
Dad wised up after I gave him a good bellow, dropped the phone and concentrated on me for the next few minutes. Actually the bath was quite refreshing, powdered, Eau-de-cologned and now ready for a snooze me thinks.
Mum and Dad went to a Halloween bash the other day, the Halloween punch must have been spiked for mum’s breast milk tasted strangely of Pinot Grigiot 1996..hmmm should I spit or should I swallow I thought to myself. Oh well it’s just breast milk, but I did get the hiccups afterwards and Mum did look horribly guilty as I hiccupped myself to sleep. I just had a little glass I heard her saying as I drifted off. Tut tut Mum.
Well, what an eventful week it has been at my house, first possibly catching a deadly virus, then almost being drowned in the bath and now a possible case of alcohol poisoning, thanks to Mum and her mysterious Halloween punch. I didn’t think normal life could be like an “Indiana Jones’ movie perilous and fraught with danger! Can’t wait for next week!
Expert Advice – Baby Milia
Milia are tiny white bumps that most commonly appear across a baby's nose, chin or cheeks. Although milia can develop at any age, these tiny white bumps are common among newborns. In fact, up to half of all babies develop milia. You can't prevent milia, but the good news is that milia usually disappear on their own in a few weeks. The best treatment for milia is usually none at all. - Mayo Clinic
Expert Advice – Bathing a Baby
Make sure water is warm and not hot.
Hold baby on knee and clean face with cotton wool, then gently wash the hair, holding the baby’s head over the tub. Pat hair and head dry.
Next remove diaper and clean up any mess.
Gently lower baby into the bath, supporting the head and shoulders with one arm, use your other hand to wash the body gently.
Never leave a baby unattended in the bath.
Expert Advice – Diet while breastfeeding
When breast feeding doctors recommend adding an extra 500 calories to your diet to compensate for nutrients lost. Some experts advice having a limited amount of caffeine rich foods, no alcohol, limited amount of fish rich in mercury and less gass inducing vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflour. 
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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