Baby Banter: My Home, My Palace, My Kingdom

Oct 31 2012.

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(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).

My Home, My Palace, My Kingdom
Well have been home for nearly a week now, am slowly breaking the new parents in. But found out that they are not really new parents after all with the arrival of the Big sister the other day.
SHE had been staying at achcha’s house until I settled. Not sure about this situation. I wanted my mum’s sole attention for eternity. As Big sister entered the room, we eyed ourselves like prospective duel gunmen in a lonely Texan town. I can just hear the coyotes howling, our cowboy boots clanging and see great big dust balls rolling across.
She looked at me hesitantly, mum and dad were rooting in the background like cheerleaders..’RAH RAH, come and see, the new babee’. Those two I tell you!. Anyways she gave me a poke at which I decided to scream like a banshee, Mum at that point did an Olympic long jump towards me and Dad quickly wrestled-holded Big sister out of the room. HAHAHA, round one to me Big sister, Mum’s all mine again.
For the rest of the time Big sister and I politely ignored each other. Though the other day one of my auntie’s came by with loads of toys for Big sister, ‘So the darling doesn’t feel left out’ That’s okay I’ll just lie here on my vibrating bouncer and be ignored whilst Mum and traitorous auntie talk about the shops at the new Racecourse complex.
After about an hour of being bored to death decided enough was enough and gave mum one of my come hither bellows. I find this power I have over my household fascinating and exhilarating at the same time, I cry and everyone get excited and starts running around, until I stop then they slow down and return to their corners and then the minute I start again there’s more running of adults everywhere. Good fun! 
Crying is how I rule my kingdom, at the moment it is only poor mum who is my over-powered minion. Dad has been excused of night duties since he doesn’t have to breast feed and he has something called work he has to go to everyday. Lame excuses I say.
So it’s just Mum and me, up every two hours, crying, feeding, pooping, changing. It’s such a lovely time. But exhausting I must say, keeping up mum is a full-time job, a thankless payless job. Sometime I slip up and sleep for about four hours, especially after a bath. One of mum’s devious tactics.
After last night, which was especially bad since I felt like crying all night, Mum left Dad’s laptop open on a page that said ‘How to get a vascetomy’s’…I saw him levitate in the air for a couple of minutes with fright when he saw that. Wow, must ask him how he did that.
Anyways for the time being my kingdom is buzzing along nicely, will have to mull over how to deal with Big sister but that’s for next time, now time for some mummy and me time, who cares if it’s three in the morning…MUUUUUMMMMMMM!
With the arrival of a new baby how your child behaves will depend partially on his or her temperament. Children who are more flexible and self-contained may adjust more easily. Those who are highly sensitive, need more time with transitions, and like routines may take longer to adjust.
Crying is part of life with a new baby. On average, newborns cry for about two hours each day. Babies are born with the ability to cry, which is how they communicate for a while. Your baby's cries generally tell you that something is wrong: an empty belly, a wet bottom, cold feet, being tired, or a need to be held and cuddled, etc.
Vasectomy is a procedure in which the two tubes that carry sperm from the two testicles to the urinary tract are surgically altered so sperm cannot pass through and be released to fertilize a woman's egg during sexual intercourse. For couples who have made the decision not to have any more children, vasectomy is the safest and easiest form of surgical sterilization. While reversible in many cases, vasectomy should be considered a permanent form of birth control.
During the first year you will spend a lot of time feeding your baby at night, so you might as well enjoy it. You have two nighttime goals: get sufficient rest yourself and meet the nutritional and emotional needs of your infant. Remember, a happy mother and a well-fed baby are the goals of both daytime and nighttime nursing.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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