Hey I was a little slow in the get go, BUT I’ve finally caught on to the truth,…my parents really don’t want me. I know fellow baby peeps, you gasp in shock and horror. You think what kind of evil people are these to not want a nice cheery, chirpy, bouncy baby like me. I mean, yeah, I cry a lot, I’ve got snot ALWAYS trickling down my nose (not sure what’s going on there), I need my diaper changed twice hourly, especially if Mum makes me eat that Papaya nonsense…but no no these two people called my parents, don’t seem to find these likeable qualities of mine endearing at all. I say this because all they go on about is, 'who's going to watch the baby, I need to go out', 'Can’t we get your Mum to watch the baby, we should go out?' or 'Let's go without the baby, it would be too much hazzle for the little one!' I mean c’mon doesn’t anyone want to take me with them????

Yeah I know if I do need to go out, I might need a pick up truck for all the stuff that usually comes with me, but HEY that’s what makes me interesting! Nope all I get to do is sit in my corner of the playpen forced to watch baby T.V whilst everyone runs around having little adventures. I only venture out to see that evil scientist called the paediatrician who takes great delight at jabbing me constantly with some new virus and waiting for me to mutate. Or I get sent to grandma’s house, so that my parents can abandon me to go off for fun things like Colombo Fashion Week. Hey parents, take me pllleeease I’m stylish..well maybe not as stylish as Harper Beckham or that other one called North, them with their CHANEL baby onesie and miniature UGG boots, but my Maradana style frilly undies and baby vests have some character okay!!!!

Mum kinda sensed my caged lion look, my need to fly the coupe, so she took me to Independence Square for a walk. I was so excited I screamed all the way there, HEY it was not crying Dad I was just excited. I got emotional and had to cry about it, and also I missed Teddy. Then, at the square managed to lose one of my booties, ingested a funny bug looking thing which had Mum in a panic and drenched myself in that greenish dirty fountain water which is all probably filled with mosquito larvae, might have eaten some too. Mum and Dad looked stressed. The outing was over in fifteen minutes and then to finish off the adventure I threw up in the car on the way back, I think the bug I ingested made a reappearance…yeah, going out is over-rated, think I’ll just stay in my corner of the playpen and watch the world go by! You win Mum and Dad!
Why do babies' noses run?
Most times a baby has a runny nose due to cold or flu symptoms, please consult a paediatrician and get proper treatment. Sometimes baby nose runs are because of differences in the temperature. When you’re outside on a cold day, your nose tries its best to warm up the cold air you breathe before sending it to the lungs. Tiny blood vessels inside your nostrils open wider (dilate), helping to warm up that air. But that extra blood flow leads to more mucus production. You know what happens next. Drip, drip, drip.
What is separation anxiety?
If you leave the room and your baby cries as if you’ve left the country, she may be suffering from separation anxiety. First of all, don’t worry that you’ve somehow spoiled her–nothing you’ve done has “made” your baby act this way. It’s a normal and important developmental stage and nearly all children experience separation anxiety between the ages of seven and 18 months.The development of separation anxiety demonstrates that your baby has formed a healthy, loving attachment to you. It is a sign that your baby associates pleasure, comfort and security with your presence. It also indicates that your baby is developing intellectually (in other words, she’s smart!). She has learned that she can have an effect on her world when she makes her needs known and she doesn’t have to passively accept a situation that makes her uncomfortable. This phase, like so many other phases in childhood, will pass.
Even babies need exercise
Parents are starting to catch on to the idea that everyone needs exercise, even infants and toddlers. According to these paediatric experts, parents who use strollers, playpens and infant seats for hours at a time, maybe delaying their child’s physical and mental development. Regular exercise causes the kind of development that may be critical for health in later life. Infancy and the toddler years are the time that the brain is developing pathways and connections to the muscles. Children who do not get enough exercise may miss out on the chance to make the strong kinds of brain-muscle connections that make physical activity easier and more enjoyable. As the child grows and matures, it is that physical competence that makes exercise more likely to become a life-long habit.
(Let's face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
Text by Mayuri Jayasinghe