(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
So Dad accosts Big Sister and I, into a corner. What is all this man-handling ‘Just Dad’, you’re squeezing my baby fat, I guzzled too many bottles of milk to achieve this cherubic look. Anyways, Dad’s going on about something must tune in and listen. ‘So kiddios, Mother’s Day was last week, but we forgot no…not to worry not to worry, will do something special for Mum this week, what shall we do?
Good ole Dad, I like the way he seeks our input despite the fact that I’m six months and big sister is going on a ripe old age of three years, he respects our opinion or he’s really stuck for inspiration. Should I pipe in or let him sweat it out?!!..hmmmm. Big Sister goes ‘Lets get her a Barbie doll!’, whhhaattt is wrong with that child. Look like I’m going to be the brains in this family. ‘Diamonds Dad, diamonds, go get her some big ones, make up for the whole world celebrating Mother’s day and our family doing it a week later!!!..
Anyways I shout away but Dad just tickles my chin and walks off, does he not understand what I just gurgled, it was hard to get it out also, lots of salivating and trying to squeeze my lips together to make actual syllables. Whew, I’m tired out, might need a nap soon. I hope Dad does good, the diamonds are a sure fire hit. .jpg)
So I get jolted awake by my Dad shouting, ‘Happy Mother’s Day darling!’’…oh great he’s got the Diamonds, what kind are they Black, normal or like that $5million one that Beyonce sports on her finger. Dad’s love for Mum is strong, I’m, sure it’s one like Beyonce’s. YAY. I take one good look at Mum, she’s holding a bouquet of flowers quite similar to the ones growing in Achcha’s garden…aiyo, where’s the diamonds, maybe they are inside, check Mum check.
Mum with a watery smile looks at the flowers, ‘Thank you everyone, they are lovely’ she sneezes out. Just great Dad, didn’t anyone tell him that Mum’s got severe hayfever. Whilst Mum sneezes into her flowers, Dad looks on sheepishly from a corner, Big sister starts to cry because she wants Babrbie and I poop in my pants. Sorry Mum, mother’s day or not your work is never done!!!
Expert Advice – Baby Fat
Since infants tend to carry different amounts of weight at different stages of development, making judgments about baby fat on the basis of appearance alone isn't reliable or effective.Instead, your baby's doctor will plot your baby's growth on charts that show measurements for height, weight, head circumference and body mass index (BMI). You can use the charts to compare your baby's growth with that of other infants of the same sex and age. Excess fat and calories can still be a concern, though. For example, being too heavy can delay crawling and walking — essential parts of a baby's physical and mental development.
Expert Advice – Baby Talk
Your baby learns to talk during his first two years of life. Long before he utters his first word, he's learning the rules of language and how adults use it to communicate.
He'll begin by using his tongue, lips, palate, and any emerging teeth to make sounds (cries at first, then "ooh's" and "ahh's" in the first month or two, and babbling shortly thereafter). Soon those sounds will become real words – "mama" and "dada" may slip out and bring tears to your eyes as early as 6 months.
From then on, your baby will pick up more words from you and everyone else around him. And sometime between 18 months and 2 years, he'll begin to form two- to four-word sentences. As your baby makes mental, emotional, and behavioral leaps, he's increasingly able to use words to describe what he sees, hears, feels, thinks, and wants.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe