Baby Banter : It wasn’t me!
Nov 20 2012.
views 876
(Let’s face it, kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from
the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and
how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
'Woke up to find my mum in tears, what’s a baby got to do to get some sleep around here anyways. Oh wait why’s mum crying, what’s dad done NOW! Did you forget her birthday again dad, for heaven’s sake it’s only one day of the year. All is not lost unromantic dad, you can redeem yourself. I heard there’s a jewellery sale, run out there and buy her the biggest, baddest diamond you can find. Wait everyone’s looking at me, apparently not dad’s fault, but something I did. I hum Shaggy’s ‘It wasn’t me’ quietly to myself as I sit in my chair trying to look as angelic as I can. Mum’s got chapped nipples from all that breast feeding and I was the cause apparently.

Sheesh, it’s a tough jury out here. Though ‘know it all’ auntie does come to my rescue and says it’s not the baby’s fault BUT instead wrong technique. There you go mum, how could you be so cruel as to blame your own child? Must say problem was solved in a couple of days, after mum changed her breast feeding position and I was back to contented rounds of uninterrupted milk!
Not sure if it was intentional especially after the chapped nipples, but mum and her BFF, Aunite Smiley did go on an extensive shoe shopping expedition. I was of course taken along; I was more than happy to indulge them with my presence and have Aunite Smiley coo at me occasionally. Anyways, the short of the long story is that after three hours of SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, mum forgot to change my diaper and now I have diaper rash! That’s just great mum. How would you feel if your nether regions were all rashy and itchy and uncomfortable? I’m going to do a whole load of crying on this one, even dad’s going to hear about this uncomfortable turn of events!
After the diaper rash incident, mum was quite good at keeping me well aired and attaired, constant diaper changes, maybe every half an hour is a bit extreme mum. Anyways I’m doing great in my first month, growing nicely, eating and sleeping, I feel good, I look good, everybody ‘ooos’ when I come into the room.!'
Expert Advice
While breastfeeding,
Check your baby's latch. The best latch position is off-center, with more of the areola below the nipple in your baby's mouth. One way to achieve this is to line up her nose with your nipple so her bottom gum is far away from the base of your nipple when she opens her mouth. Once her mouth is open, hug her on quickly. Your nipple should be far back in your baby's mouth.
Try different nursing positions. You may find that certain positions make it easier for your baby to latch on correctly and are much more comfortable than others.
Nurse on the less injured side first, if you have one. Babies often nurse more gently on the second side since they’re less hungry.
Briefly apply a cold pack to numb the injured area before nursing. Cold can help dull the pain, particularly during the initial latch, which tends to hurt the most.
Source –Babycentre
Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is a common form of inflamed skin (dermatitis) that appears as a patchwork of bright red skin on your baby’s bottom. Diaper rash is commonly linked to continuously wet or infrequently changed diapers, diarrhea, and using plastic pants to cover diapers. Diaper rash also may develop after solid foods are added to your baby’s diet and when breast-feeding mothers eat certain foods. To treat, carefully clean the area and keep diapers changed frequently; a diaper change with every feed is best.
Text by Mayuri Jayasinghe