(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
All you need is your friends
I am not happy. Here I was nicely taking a nap, so I can stay up at night with Mummy when I was rudely awakened because we have guests and my parents what to show me off. Sheesh don’t these people know anything? This is going to stunt my growth and my beauty sleep is vital for me to maintain these cherubic looks. Usually they don’t wake me up for if you awaken the sleeping beast you have to face the dire
consequences or die.
But they were compelled to do it since their friends have bought along their little baby and of course they felt we had to meet. So the other tot and I are put in my playpen and forced to play together. Yeah yeah, she’s nice, but Mum better not have any ideas of future matrimonial plans. No arranged marriages for me. I try to be nice and let her chew on my favourite teddy, it’s the least I can do since I’m still the cutest baby hands down, some people are just not that lucky.
Since I’ve got company I try to be polite and exchange some small talk. Apparently she says she doesn’t need the night light anymore and she’s even moved on from pureed food, she can eat a whole biscuit by herself.. Show off.
I love my Winnie the Pooh night light and I swear it’s the only thing that keeps the monsters away, I’m not getting rid of that for anything. Mushy food, well she hasn’t seen the stuff Mum puts on the table for us, its best that its pureed so I don’t know what’s in it. We have a good laugh over how we throw up all over our new clothes just have after a bath and then we need to be changed again.
Its cruel but delightfully enjoyable. She doesn’t have a big sister but instead has a big brother who pulls the heads off all her dolls, I told her not to fret my Big Sister is a pain in the behind as well, these older siblings are a menace. Bad planning on our parents part I must say, were totally necessary. Anyways we chit chat till i fall asleep. I must say it was really nice having her over, it was great to talk to someone who was my own height and who had diaper issues. We bonded over spit up stories. I had a blast, when is she visiting again?
Why do babies need to sleep?
You may think that your baby simply falls asleep when she is tired to give her body a rest and her brain takes advantage of baby sleep to switch off from the external world. Far from it! In fact, when your baby is sound asleep, her brain is busy learning. Child development also occurs during sleep. Scientists have been able to study babies’ brain activity during baby sleep, and they have discovered that specific parts of the babies’ brain are actually most active during sleep.
This state of lowered consciousness and reduced physical activity enables the brain to carry out vital jobs that cannot be as efficiently accomplished during wakefulness. While she sleeps, your baby's eyes and ears rest. They're not busy taking in everything that's going on around her, the way they do when she is awake. This gives her brain a chance to turn its attention to the important job of consolidating memory and learning.
How Can my Baby Eat Table Food if She Does Not Have Teeth?
Babies do not chew with their teeth, they mash foods with their gums. Molars are the teeth that we use to chew our foods with. Most babies will not begin to cut molars until around 10-16 months or older. The last set of molars to come in typically occurs around age 2 years old. Most children have all 20 baby teeth by the age of two-and-a-half to three years. The permanent teeth continue to develop within the jaw. Baby teeth erupt in pairs on the right and left of the mouth, alternating between the lower and upper jaws, and proceeding from front to back.
Why nightlights are bad for your child?
Low levels of light still penetrate the eyelids at night which keeps the eye from resting. A study preformed at the University of Pennsylvania Medical center tested 479 children and found that 55% who had slept in room with light before the age of two suffered from near sightedness, or myopia before the age of 16, and 34% were myopic who slept in a room with a night light alone.
While only 10% of the same size group of kids who slept without a nightlight suffered from the same eyesight issue. Though Dr. Richard Stone of the University says, "The study does not establish that nighttime lighting during early childhood is a direct cause of myopia, and there are undoubtedly other risk factors".
By Mayuri Jayasinghe