Dec 03 2013.
views 870(Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HONEST’ observations from our children. It touches on all aspects of the process of growing up and how we as parents can improve ourselves from a child’s point of view).
The household is in a stir..what is the reason for all this commotion I ask you, I had just had my midmorning snack, watched an episode of Postman Pat and was thinking of getting a little shut eye..BUT who can sleep a wink with this noise. One of the servants is banging about in the cupboards in the pretence of cleaning them, Mum’s going through some about the Teriyaki Chicken she shouts at Dad. Hey that sounds much better than some of the mush I keep getting shoveled down my throat.
Anyways Dad shouts over the noise “Sounds good to me”, Dad’s got vacuuming duties though vacuuming up and down in a straight line is not going to cut it, dirt moves around Dad, I should know, one of my favourite things is to track down all those forgotten jewels of left over morsels of food and rubbish from another day, what a find!
I say, just the other day I found a dehydrated piece of banana from the banana pudding that Mum tried to force down my throat, hey the dehydrated piece looked much better than the real stuff, but Mum caught me just when I was going to put it into her mouth, she’s quick like that my Mum, the force is definitely with her.
Anyways woah there ‘Just Dad’, almost vacuumed my foot there..I ask again WHY this commotion, Is Charles coming this way, will he do a pit stop? I love Charles, I feel I have a kindred spirit in the forgotten Prince, we have plenty of similarities, first we are both Princes of our own Kingdom’s, Charles is a little bigger than mine, BUT hey whose comparing, but I will take over from Dad someday though with Charles I don’ know, then a domineering over zealous mother, a father who’s ‘just” there, hence the term ‘Just Dad’, means well though and of course the evil Big Sister just like me. La di da, we could just be brothers from other mothers.
CRASH, BANG..oh shoot the servant broken mum’s crystal vase…HEY it wasn’t me I shout, since I do get blamed for several things even when I’m not there, especially when people pass gas…oh yeah I’m looking at you Just Dad. Anyways long story short, didn’t turn out to be Charles, or even Cameron, vile fellow, not even Nonis who I really wanted to have an educated chat with..just some fuddy duddy from Just Dad’s office. Borrrinnng, time for another nap.
Why are naps important?
Napping is an important part of your toddler's day as well as yours. Your child needs to recharge and reboot or everyone will suffer the consequences. And you count on nap time to get things done you need to do. To grow, we need adequate calories and ample sleep. And that is why babies sleep more than we do." As toddlers get older, they will eat and sleep less. Some of this sleeping is done with naps, while some takes the form of nighttime sleep. Exactly how it's divided depends largely on the child's age and developmental stage.
When do babies become fussy eaters?
When you find yourself throwing out yet another plate of your toddler's uneaten food, it can be incredibly stressful and upsetting. Try not to get too anxious. It's normal for toddlers suddenly to decide they will eat just a few foods. This is partly because of a fear of new things (neophobia). We human beings probably developed neophobia to protect ourselves as we evolved. We didn't try new things because we didn't know if they would be safe.
Perhaps knowing about this impulse will help you to understand your toddler's reluctance to experiment! Picky eating may also be your toddler's way of showing his independence as he learns to feed himself. He may be seeing how far he can push the limits of your authority and trying to assert some control over his life.
Why do babies like eating dirt off floors?
As food collects germs as soon as it lands on the floor, but eating food off the floor inside a house/nursery etc, won't do your baby any harm (providing the house is kept reasonably clean).
Your baby will already be exposed to germs inside your house, as toys on the floor will get germs on them, so eating food off the floor at home won't harm your baby. Hard floors such as laminating and tile transfer more germs that carpeted floors, so if you are worried about germs in your house, you could feed your baby on carpet if you prefer.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe