Yoga at Home Week 4

Jul 24 2015.

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This week we are looking at Standing Forward Bend, this is a lovely stretch for the spine and the backs of the legs, it also gives us the opportunity to go upside down when we are deep in the posture, which sends blood to the brain and helps to calm the mind and give us clarity. (Be aware that if you have low blood pressure you need to come out of this posture very slowly with the head coming up last to avoid dizziness).

Lets get started:

Stand in Tadasana, correctly aligned.

Exhale and bend forward from the hips sliding the hands down the outside of the thighs. Emphasize lengthening the front of the torso rather than curving the back. Try to bend from the hips and not the waist.

If possible keep the knees straight and bring the finger tips or palms to the floor, in front of or beside the feet, or clasp the hands around the ankles or calves.

Keep the heels down, but take the weight into the front of the foot and make an extra effort to raise the hips and buttocks in order to lengthen the tops of the hamstrings.

Inhale lift the torso a little and exhale drop down a bit more deeply into the posture.

Allow the head and neck to hang loosely and heavily towards the floor.

Hold the posture for 5 breaths.

To come up bend the knees slightly and roll up vertebrae by vertebrae until you come back to your correct tadasana posture.

Posture - Standing Forward Bend       
Sanskrit name - Uttanasana


*Calms and relieves stress
*Stimulates the kidneys
* Lengthens hamstrings and calves
*Strengthens thighs
*improves digestion
*Relieves headache and insomnia 

Avoid if: You have back injuries, be cautious if you have low blood pressure.
Beginners Tip: Practice with the knees bent and chest to the thighs to start and slowly work up to straightening the legs more and more. Or work with straight legs and bend the elbows and clasp in the hands.

Serena is a yoga teacher and the founder of The OM Space. She is a passionate believer in yoga as a life enhancing practice and runs several classes in Colombo including the very popular Yoga for Children and Yoga for Pregnancy. Serena trained in the UK with the British Wheel of Yoga and is a UK Yoga Alliance registered Senior Teacher.


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