Yoga at Home Week 33

Feb 26 2016.

views 934

Week 33 : Upwards Facing Dog 

This is a great chest opener and back bend, and a fantastic way to strengthen the arms. It is also an intrinsic part of the short flow we will be practicing in a couple of weeks. 

Start lying on your tummy on the floor with your hands on the floor close to your waist and the tops of the feet long on the floor. 

Inhale and press into your hands raising the chest up. 

Then straighten the arms whilst lifting the hips and legs off the floor. Keep the core and thighs firm and keep the arms strong and turned out so the creases of the elbows face front. 

Lift the chest, but don’t push the ribs too far forward as this will compress the lower back, keep the shoulders away from the ears to avoid hanging. 

Here’s what happens if you “hang” from the shoulders. 

Hold for 5 breaths and then gently lower down and come to crocodile pose. 

Repeat 3-5 times 

Posture : Upwards Facing Dog 

Sanskrit name : Urdhva Mukha Svanasana 


*Strengthens spine, arms and wrists and firms buttocks. 

*Stretches shoulders, chest and lungs and the muscles of the abdomen. 

*Good for digestion as it stimulates the abdominal organs. 

*Relieves mild depression, fatigue and sciatica. 

*Theraputic for asthma. 

*Improves posture. 

Avoid if: You have back injury, headache or Carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Beginners Tip: Beginners can practice with hands on blocks and be sure not to hang from the shoulders – draw shoulders down and away from the ears. Beginners could also keep the knees on the floor if they find it too hard to raise up fully on to the arms at first. 

Beginners Tip 



Serena is a yoga teacher and the founder of The OM Space . She is a passionate believer in yoga as a life enhancing practice and runs several classes in Colombo including the very popular Yoga for Children and Yoga for Pregnancy. Serena trained in the UK with the British Wheel of Yoga and is a UK Yoga Alliance registered Senior Teacher.


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