Week 20 : Vinyasas
This week sees the first of our new flows or Vinyasas. We are going to begin to put together some of the postures we have learned over the last few months, to create sequences to really get our yoga moving forward. Follow the instructions carefully and use all that you have learnt about each posture as you do the practice.
Come to standing tall in Tadasana.
We will begin with one round of Suriya namaskar, which I hope you are familiar with now.
Once you have finished both sides, stand again in Tadasana and use your Ujaii breathing to settle the heart rate and bring the breath back to normal.
Now shift your weight onto your left leg and bring your right foot to tree posture, either at the ankle, calf or thigh, bring the hands to prayer position at the heart and hold for 5 breaths.
Bring the right foot down with control and repeat the posture with the other leg.
From Tadasana, take a breath in and as you exhale, walk your fingertips down your legs to settle in standing forward bend, go only as deep as feels right to you. Hold for 5 breaths.
Bend the knees and bring the hands to the floor on either side of you feet. Take the weight into the hands and step back into plank.
Transition from Plank up into Downward Facing Dog, inhale pushing up and back creating a triangular shape with your body. Exhale reaching the heels down behind, the hips up, and the chest back towards your thighs. If you need to do baby dog with the knees bent, please feel free to do so.
Inhale lift the right foot and exhale bend the leg and bring the right knee through the arms and onto the floor into pigeon posture hold with the chest rising and the back long for 3 breaths.
Inhale take the weight into the arms and push back and exhale into downward dog.
Inhale and repeat pigeon with the left leg, and then push back again into downward dog.
Slowly lower the knees to the floor and come to rest in child’s pose.
Gently come up to seated on your heels and then bring the legs around to the front, both knees straight.
Bend your right knee and bring the foot in to the inner thigh for Janu Sirsasana. Rotate the body slightly towards the straight leg for a gentle twist and inhale, exhale as you fold forward over that leg. Hold for 3 breaths.
Come up and repeat on the other side.
Bend the knees and shift the weight back on to your tail bone and raise the feet off the floor, come into boat posture – engaging your abdominal muscles and the muscles of the back as you open the chest and drop the shoulder blades towards the floor. You can do boat with legs down, at 90degrees or straight. Hold for 3-5 breaths.
End your practice by coming into a comfortable seated forward bend.
Lower yourself down to the floor for a silent Savasana for 5 minutes.
Try this each morning this week and see if you feel like your yoga is improving!
Serena is a yoga teacher and the founder of The OM Space . She is a passionate believer in yoga as a life enhancing practice and runs several classes in Colombo including the very popular Yoga for Children and Yoga for Pregnancy. Serena trained in the UK with the British Wheel of Yoga and is a UK Yoga Alliance registered Senior Teacher.