Nov 07 2014.
views 8607 Steps To Climb The Ladder - Work Etiquette
Not everyone is lucky to be born with an amazing career but it isn't impossible to get where you deserve if you do play your cards right. It's definitely easier to get a job but the toughest of it all is retaining it. People might like you, dislike you or even show no particular feelings towards you but your work etiquette can fix that making you the star amongst your coworkers getting you into the good books of your boss.
1. First Impressions
They say, don't judge a book by its cover but it is the last thing you'll be hearing when attempting to get hired. First impressions are the ABC's portraying confidence and success rooted within an individual. Standing straight refraining from slouching, making direct eye contact and genuinely smiling would send you on the path to success right away. Confidence is the key and how you do it won't matter as long as you do get it done!
2. Treat co-workers right.
Not everyone's going to like you initially, but if you treat everyone fairly and justly there is no way you could go wrong. Learning people's names fast and reserving judgmental comments to yourself will save a lot of trouble in which you can easily get in. Get to know them as friends beyond the "work buddies" notion, but be careful as to what personal details you decide to share as it might haunt you if someone decides to backstab you. Help out those who are struggling to fit in or complete tasks if you are capable of doing so. A helping hand would always be remembered.
3. Your workspace is a depiction of your mind!
Even if your workspace is as limited as space in a box, keep it neat and tidy. Make a mental note of where to keep important files and folders if you have an elephant's memory or simply keep an organizer. Schedule important meetings, tasks and have a to-do list reminder to jog your memory on what needs to be done. Neatly keep tabs on tasks both complete and incomplete within your workspace as it will portray your organizational skills and mind orientation making it a comfortable and people-friendly environment; a pleasure to work with.
4. Don’t pass the ball.
If you're requested to do a particular task do not pass it around or worse, make excuses to avoid it. No one is interested in doing what you have been assigned unless it is a direct order which will hold the others to be accountable as well. If it is your responsibility, make sure it is done or get reliable assurance of the task been completed through other means. If you fail at carrying out specified responsibilities, you would be branded as an irresponsible coworker for good.
5. Deadlines. Take them seriously.
You might be able to work your way through missing a deadline or two, but do not make it a habit. Your timeliness and punctuality matters and make it a point to help yourself achieve certain targets within a specified period of time. Avoid trying to make amends last minute. If working under pressure is not your best skill, work out a plan which will get you there in time. However, learning to cope up with pressure and stress is part of the ballgame which tests your capabilities and the potential you possess. Merge stress along with capability to produce the best final product which will put you right on top.
6. The more you give, the more you gain!
At times you might feel that you aren't appreciated enough by your organization and coworkers although you do try your best, but don't let that feeling give in. Like the old adage says "every dog has its day", your day would dawn so make it work. Commit yourself and work hard to be better every day. Get some inspiration reading books, listening to music or anything that keeps you going to make you feel worthy of your profession. You might meet many along the way who dropped out or gave up the challenge. Use that to remind yourself of why you held on for so long when things aren't going right.
7. Basic manners - crucial.
No one likes an ill-mannered person. Words such as "please" and "thank you" still matters to most. Your bodily mannerisms too speak a lot about yourself. Common courtesy is so rare these days that it has been added into list of skills an individual should possess. If you haven't been programmed in such a manner to respond politely when approached, make it a habit as it is essential outside work relationships as well especially if you want to be an ideal of a groomed and well mannered individual who is most importantly, respected by all.
By Eshani Seneviratne