Dec 17 2024.
views 86Whether it’s the final page of a book, the last day of the year, or the end of a relationship, endings are a part of life that we all encounter, and it's often challenging. Most of us reflect on what we have gained, what we have lost, and what lies ahead and this carries a psychological weight that shapes how we perceive time, self, and growth. Understanding why endings matter so much can help us approach them more clearly and intentionally. This article will explore the importance of closure and how it paves the way for new beginnings and growth.
Reflecting on endings as a tool for growth
Endings often create space for self-reflection. As 2024 ends, you might find yourself replaying key moments of the year, evaluating successes and failures. This isn’t just nostalgia; it’s a way to make sense of your past and make way for personal growth. By reflecting on our endings, we usually build life stories to give our experiences meaning. For instance, recalling a difficult breakup might reveal how it taught you to embrace your power and know your self-worth, which serves as an important milestone of growth in life.
Endings often evoke a mix of emotions such as relief, sadness, regret, or even joy. This is because when something ends, we lose familiarity and stability, but we also gain the opportunity to start anew. This duality is why endings can feel bittersweet. According to research, humans have a natural tendency to fear the unknown. This makes endings - with their inherent uncertainty - challenging for us to face. Endings force us to confront what is leaving and make room for what is new.
The importance of closure
Psychologically, closure helps us move through endings. Without it, we can feel stuck, replaying unresolved emotions or situations. Closure doesn’t always mean tying everything up neatly. Sometimes, it’s simply accepting that not all questions will be answered. In Gestalt psychology, the law of closure refers to the action taken by the brain to fill in missing pieces of information based on past experiences with the subject in question.
Tips for dealing with endings
For many individuals, endings can be uncomfortable. You can try practices like writing about your experience, expressing gratitude for the past, reflecting on what you have learned or how you have grown, or just simply lighting a candle to honour the past year which can help provide you with a sense of completion while going through this process. It's important to be mindful during this time. Try to focus on the present moment rather than worrying about the future.
Engaging in rituals, such as cultural or personal rituals can provide you with a structure to your endings. Think of New Year's Eve celebrations, farewell parties, etc. These rituals not only mark transitions in your life but also give you a sense of control over the unknown.
Also, if an ending feels overwhelming, focus on taking small, actionable steps towards your next chapter.
Endings and the Promise of Renewal
The ending is not just a conclusion; it is also a beginning. As one chapter closes, another chapter opens. The transition between these two is where transformation happens. For instance, ending an unfulfilling job may feel daunting, but it creates space for a career aligned with your passions. Always look at the brighter side, where you will not only learn valuable lessons but also grow as an individual. Once we learn to see endings as part of life's natural cycles it can shift our perspective, turning them from something to fear into something to welcome to our life.
Endings are inevitable, but they don’t have to be something we avoid. By reflecting on what has passed and looking forward to what’s ahead of us, we can turn endings into powerful opportunities needed for our growth. As we bid farewell to 2024, let’s remember that every ending is the beginning of something new and face our future with clarity, gratitude, and hope.