Feb 16 2016.
views 422It's 3 in the morning and woke up to hear a buzzing in my cot. What is that I ask myself.. OH NO…a pesky mosquito has infiltrated through Mum’s secure mosquito net. Probably Big Sister’s fault for making a hole in it the other day, I saw her even though Mum didn’t, she’s out to get me that Big Sister of mine. All because Mum only ‘coos’ at me, someone is a bit “J”. Anyways deal with that problem later, NOW more pressing matters are at hand. Me and the dreaded dengue infested mosquito, what is to be done. I channel my inner Karate Kid self, must make Mr. Miyagi proud, WAX ON, WAX OFF…a couple of hand swishes, FAIL FAIL FAIL, the little vermin was too fast for me. Unfortunately this grasshopper still has lots to learn. Must call the next best thing to Mr. Miyagi….Mum of course…it is after all 3.30 in the morning, Mum shouldn’t spend all the time sleeping anyways…MUM....
I fell in love the other day. Someone had bought me this warm, cuddly light as a feather teddy bear to sleep with. I love it. It's got blue pajamas on, with a cute bear face and pink buttoned nose. Did I tell you I love it? I can’t go to sleep without it. Dad, for once trying to be helpful, had put all my soft toys in the wash, unbeknown to Mum and me. When I was going down for a nap I looked for teddy everywhere to no avail. I was in a panic, had a white van come for him?...OH NO…do I have enough money for a ransom..OH TEDDY..I can’t go to sleep without him. Mum realized my distress and now was running around the house looking for it, just before she was going to jump in the car to make a police statement.. or maybe to buy me another one. Dad moseys on in and says what’s the commotion, the teddy’s in the wash. WHAT’S THE COMMOTION I think to myself, a few minutes ago my heart was cruelly ripped out of my chest and dashed to pieces in the thought that I would NEVER EVER see my Teddy again. The thought that I would NEVER EVER get back together with him again. Did I tell you I love Taylor Swift’s new song? Anyways, not to get distracted..CURSE Dad and his vile ways. Teddy retrieved and rescued and back safely in my cot. Ahhh this is bliss, he smells of milk, mum, baby soap and all things cuddly and nice..That’s amore!
Expert Advice – Dengue Prevention
Dengue fever also known as breakbone fever, is an infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles. In a small proportion of cases the disease develops into the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs.
Dengue Update
During the last 11 months of the year 2012, 38488 suspected dengue cases have been reported to the Epidemiology Unit from all over the island.
Latest Disease Trends
Approximately 47.39% of dengue cases were reported from the Western province. The highest numbers of dengue cases were reported during the month of June. This situation warrants regular removal of possible mosquito breeding sites from the environment. It is also important to seek medical attention in the event of fever by day three of the illness. Ministry of Health.
Expert Advice - Attachment To A Toy Or Blanket
Most children get attached to a specific object (most often a crib blanket, stuffed animal, or thumb) before they reach their first birthday, but this behavior usually peaks in the second year. That's because transitional objects provide a sense of security when toddlers are really beginning to explore the world and become more independent. Plus, T.O.s provide comfort at a time when childhood fears (of the dark, of strangers, of dogs) start in earnest.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe